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Two Thumbs Up, But GObama

Well, at least the geezer showed up to debate, even without some miracle cure discovered for our financial woes. I'm glad, of course, that he did. Not making an appearance would only have proved his political idiocy, and Lord knows his ticket needs no more of that. Two words: Sarah Palin. So at least he was there anyway.

Actually, I thought McCain and Obama both did well tonight, other than that John seemed to not notice that Barack was actually in the same room. McCain responded to every direct comment from Obama via the moderator; I think he must have thought Jim Lehrer was channeling his opponent instead. He never once looked to the left. Maybe that goiter on his face impairs his leftside vision or something, but still, he should have known better.

That aside, I was glad the show went on after all and like I said, I do think they both did quite well. This is the time when we get down to where people need to start paying attention, not so much to the spin rhetoric of half-truths and sometimes flat-out lies from either party blasted at every commercial break to confuse those too stupid or too lazy to check out the real facts for themselves.

I did learn, though (and who knew?), that the North Koreans are on average three inches shorter than the South Koreans because the northerners are terrorists and stuff. See, if John hadn't shown up to inform of that, I might never have known.

Also that he has never been referred to as "Miss Congeniality," he made mention of that at least a couple of times this evening. Well, Mister McCain, that's most likely a good thing really.


  1. We have to remember that McCain was supposed to have a huge advantage when it comes to foreign policy. Obama leveled the playing field by matching McCain point for point. Which made him the winner. David Gergen said McCain had to win and a tie wasn't good enough for him.

  2. Temper. Temper. Temper. McCain cursed twice during the debate. I heard him say "shit" live last night, but this morning it turns out that the said "horseshit."

    This mofo cursed on nationally TV during a presidential debate. He couldn't keep his composure when challenged by Barack and his (McCain) statement regarding Spain. Imagine when in "peace talks" with world leaders and the conversation gets heated.

    Now, if I heard him curse, no doubt other people, including the media, heard him. This is a factor that must be reported.

  3. I think you were very kind to suggest McCain did well, although I know I am somewhat biased.

    But as you pointed out, McCain failed to do what his opponent did repeatedly, i.e., attempt to interact and make it personal. To me this made him seem timid or cowardly. No wonder he isn't friendly to the idea of face-to-face negotiations with non-allied leaders.

    The repeated Miss Congeniality remark was stupid and, I thought, made him look stupid.

    His attempts to patronize Obama with "he doesn't understand" made him look like the horse's ass his critics say that he is.

    It did not seem to me that he was able to succesfully distance himself from Bush. Not really his fault, I suppose, because there isn't a lot of difference, from their shared contempt of government oversight and regulation of corporations right down to their shared neo-con philosophy of imperialism.

    Most importantly, as Rainlillie points out, foreign policy was supposed to be McCain's strong suit. I thought Obama did quite well on this.

    Unfortunately the Republican chickens are coming home to roost at an inconvient time for McCain.

    I believe Americans are too scared about the collapse of our economy to be further freightend by more terrorism rhetoric. And what other trick does McCain have in his hat ... a beautiful running mate?

    Again, I think you were more than kind to McCain.

  4. Also every argument McCain used against Obama can be applied to Palin. Lack of experience and not being well traveled. great points,Doug B.

  5. Great points, and spot on each one, Doug. Maybe I was kinder to McCain than I would normally have been, I think he scored some points just by showing up. Overall, Obama in my opinion (and yes, I'm biased, too) really came across as the winner. John Boy seemed stiff and uncomfortable, and Barack seemed to really come across as a leader. Again, my opinion, and I think he also like Rain mentions did fantastic matching McCain point by point on foreign policy, presumably McCain's strong suit. I just enjoyed it. Now I can't wait for the veeps, THAT should be entertaining.

    OFan - I didn't hear that! The debate is posted online somewhere, I'll have to go back and catch that. Probably edited out, but I'll check it out. Doesn't seem so unbelievable, really, knowing McCain.

  6. My friend says I'm crazy. And I believe me, in general, I don't dispute that. At first I heard "shit" and thought he said "oh shit" Then I listened again and heard horseshit. Since I'm the only one who heard it, I guess it was just me.

  7. There's a youtube clip of him saying "horse$hit" here's the link. I may have to listen closer.

  8. So, it's not just me. During the debate last night, my mouth literally dropped when I heard shit.

    I was backing down because of my friend. And also because I didn't see anyone else on the web writing about it.

    Peer pressure. It gets to the best of us.

    Since I'm not the only one who caught it, I'm sticking to my story.

  9. Cool, thanks for the link. To me it does sound like horseshit. Damn, fan has a good ear!


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