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McCain As Hero

One question. Why again exactly is John McCain a war hero? Nothing really political motivating the question, although obviously I'm no fan of McCain, but I never have understood why the hero spin. Even the Democrats always give him hero props. I don't get it.

And for someone who used to claim not wanting to make an issue of the whole POW thing, it certainly seems to be a key harping point lately in both McCain's campaign as well as now at the Republican National Convention. I find that extremely annoying.

Being shot down isn't really so heroic. Even being locked up while the gooks (his own word, not mine) beat the crap out of him for five-plus years hardly seems a qualification for the title. Both unfortunate events, to be sure, but it's not like he's ever saved the day or anything like what is mostly expected of any other Superman worthy of his cape. More so a war victim than a hero in my opinion.

Much like those villagers he happened to be bombing to bits when shot down himself, just another victim of the war. So why a hero?


  1. Overuse of a word that isn't understood in the firstplace.

  2. Clearly not understood, in my opinion. Thanks for seconding.

  3. Guys, I've often wondered that. He was a hero because Nixon needed heroes. He was white, blond and the perfect poster boy.(Nixon right?) There were many more DEAD heroes than McCain could claim the title from.

  4. Good question. I always figured cause he "survived" being a prisoner...I think I could do that...I mean long as there were no sharp objects or things to hang myself with. How hard would it be? The surviving part I mean of course. I know it's no "picnic."

  5. Doug, ITA! I was just talking about this last night; I don't know why he wants to brag about getting caught. It's not like he pulled a MacGyver and escaped. I also think about what he was doing when he got shot down.

  6. I admire the courage of anyone who puts on a uniform and goes into battle, not knowing if they are going to make it out alive. Is that a "hero" I don't know. Good point Erika.

  7. Well guys,

    I have never pretended to know as much about politics as you guys so I will be honest as to where I got this "fact" from. ha...The View today.

    The "hero" status is because he kept quiet while imprisoned, but I guess you guys knew that...Me? Not so much.

    So, now Doug/guys? Hero?

  8. No, no hero. By definition. I agree with Rain about admiring those who choose (more often than not an only option) but either way, those who do put on the uniform and serve the country. Well, mostly. Some don't deserve so much admiration, but overall yeah. And I do respect McCain's service, that's one thing, but I'm tired of everyone who answers the call of duty being called a hero and particularly it being a perkk to him being POTUS. Good Lord, Giuliani tonight used the word almost as often as he likes to say 9/11. Like I said, by definition, McCain is no hero.


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