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Lumpy and his douche bag sidekick paid a visit to my fair city today, held a straight talk rally at one local old folks' home retirement community. John McCain and Sarah Palin kickin' it KC-style!

Indeed to be expected much hubbub for the event, Palin being the neocon's new rockstar diva and such. (Not to be confused with celebrity status, of course, that would be frowned upon by the Republicans and a title particular to our next president Mister O, they've made that crystal clear. I'm too stupid to get whatever the distinction, I guess, but, yeah, just wanted to fair.)

Anyway ... Jesus H. Christ on a crutch if I don't live amongst some really stupid assed folks around here.

From our local news this evening, I watched them interview this one guy about how last night at 10:30 in an apparently spontaneous Palin frenzy he and the wife decided to wake up the kids and gather the sleeping bags to drive on over and spend a family night in the minivan, so to ensure they didn't miss the event. By the way, they didn't even manage to get in, but I'd wager they did manage at least a great parking spot. And I'm sure the kids were thrilled.

Then this one bitch who was practically giddy and all nippley (it was cold here today, though, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt there), when asked why she thought Sarah Palin to be such a blue-chip pick she said that well, both she and Sarah are moms!

Well, all righty then. Holy fuck.

And this old dude they interviewed, who seemed to have had a brain at some earlier time saying he had given up on McCain, said he has changed his mind now that Palin was on the ticket. Dirty old man, I guess. He even claimed that after having given up, on hearing the Sarah news he got "all excited again." He was like 90ish I'm guessing. What does he care about the next four years really?

This young Asian kid said he had been hoping for Romney as candidate and was not impressed with McCain ... until Palin was put up on the ticket, now it's apparently his latest wet dream, too!

What the hell is wrong with these people? Nothing is yet even known about this woman, other than that she doesn't know shit to be next in line for president. What is known is that she does lie a lot, so I guess that might possibly prove some political mettle. She says she was adamant against the Bridge to Nowhere. Lie. She harped about selling such the extravagance of the governor's private jet on eBay. Lie. Firing the superfluous chef at the governor's mansion, much to her childrens' dismay she pointed out, another lie.

But that put aside, shouldn't honestly most of all the attention here today have been on the presidential candidate really and not so much that hockey stick bitch anyway? Not one person interviewed said anything about showing up to hear John McCain! All Sarah worship and chanting and such is what it was. Well, that's not exactly true. One other guy went on about wanting to be there to hear Sarah and then as an afterthought at least did mention well, um, yeah, and Senator McCain too, of course.

Okay, I know I'm biased and I'll admit to getting all frothy when Barack Obama comes to town myself, but I think mostly what I found unsettling about today wasn't their party's exuberance and rallying so much as that it had for the most part nothing whatsoever to do with their own wished-for next president, it was all about his trophy pick for runner-up! Damn, I hope this idiocy will end soon. I swear to God, McCain could kick the bucket tomorrow and it'd be days before most of his constituents would even be aware.

Green Day - American Idiot


  1. I'm thinking after the excitement of Palin being a fresh face wears off as she is forced to explain and defend her beliefs, reality will set back in. I predict this "honeymoon" will soon end.

  2. I hope you're right Doug B. Doug R, great post and great song choice! I had the same feeling when they interviewed some women on a radio show. They don't have a clue as to where she stands on the issues.

  3. I hope DB is right, and as far as I'm concerned the VP debates can't come soon enough. I think when faced off against Biden maybe it will become obvious her less than deserved hoopla. I'm almost looking forward more so to the VP debates than McCain and Obama at this point. It was embarrassing today, though. I need to move to a bluer state.

  4. Oh, we dems do the same things. Hey! JC "on a crutch"??? What does that mean? Don't diss crutches or canes, man. *I* will be in an old folk's home at age 52 that karma, man. I mean, "my friends." hahahahahahaha

    Don't they (Mc and Pee) look like daughter and granpa? And what is it abot VPees and guns?

  5. Hey, JC on a crutch, just an expression. I'm good to go with karma, I make a point to be. Anyway, yeah, good catch about veeps and guns. Hope her hunting buddies are more so cautious than the dick's.


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