John McCain did pretty well tonight, I suppose. Pretty much as well as was or could have been expected being so teleprompter-challenged as someone like himself. But not a bad job overall, really. He gimped his way through that one in okay fashion.
Don't understand why Sarah Palin's speech last night, though, seemed to make every Republican within earshot cream in their jeans. Even donning my objectivity hat, I honestly don't think she did so very well. I do thinkshe her husband Todd is hot, though. I might would consider switching political parties just to do him. Or at least to fake a switch for fifteen minutes or so.
The gag moments during Palin's speech, though, were mostly those recurrent camera shots of Cindy McCain in the bleachers amidst the Palin clan holding and practically breastfeeding that retarded Trig baby. Was that supposed to be some sort of photo op moment, her all caring and motherly and stuff? I personally found it disturbing. For awhile there I actually wondered if maybe the kid might be dead, he never opened his eyes nor even moved despite the raucous simultaneous Sarahgasms going on all around. Never once.
But he was back this evening for the nomination acceptance speech, so unless this is some sort of Weekend at Bernie's ripoff ploy, I assume the baby must probably be all right after all. I'm admittedly ignorant of anything about Down Syndrome, but maybe apathetic narcolepsy is a symptom of the condition, I don't know.
Back to tonight. My most favorite part of McCain's acceptance speech was the protesting that has been raging outside the Xcel Energy Center for these days of the convention actually being brought to the convention floor! I couldn't believe the cameras panned to broadcast at least that one guy with the two-sided sign with "You can't win an occupation" on one side and "McCain votes against vets" on the other. That guy was escorted away by the police, of course, but I enjoyed it nonetheless for however long it lasted.
Anyway, I recognized the guy, it was that Adam Kokesh dude of Iraq Veterans Against the War. At least I think so, we'll either find out for sure or not depending on whether the media determines if tracking him down might be ratings-worthy. I'm pretty sure, though, and certainly that would not be dissimilar to his past protests nor behaviors. I like his balls. Well, you know what I mean.
So yeah, I'm just extra glad that both of these showboat conventions are done with. Party time is over, so to speak. Now maybe things might get down to business and all the feel-good rhetoric from both sides might stop. Wishful thinking there, but I expect and hope it might decrease somewhat and maybe some real discussion might take its place. I have high hopes for the upcoming debates, so long as it's not just more of the same hype. This entire campaign cycle has been too much fanfare for far too long, time to end the puffery now. No more of the pomp and circumstance.

Don't understand why Sarah Palin's speech last night, though, seemed to make every Republican within earshot cream in their jeans. Even donning my objectivity hat, I honestly don't think she did so very well. I do think
The gag moments during Palin's speech, though, were mostly those recurrent camera shots of Cindy McCain in the bleachers amidst the Palin clan holding and practically breastfeeding that retarded Trig baby. Was that supposed to be some sort of photo op moment, her all caring and motherly and stuff? I personally found it disturbing. For awhile there I actually wondered if maybe the kid might be dead, he never opened his eyes nor even moved despite the raucous simultaneous Sarahgasms going on all around. Never once.
But he was back this evening for the nomination acceptance speech, so unless this is some sort of Weekend at Bernie's ripoff ploy, I assume the baby must probably be all right after all. I'm admittedly ignorant of anything about Down Syndrome, but maybe apathetic narcolepsy is a symptom of the condition, I don't know.
Back to tonight. My most favorite part of McCain's acceptance speech was the protesting that has been raging outside the Xcel Energy Center for these days of the convention actually being brought to the convention floor! I couldn't believe the cameras panned to broadcast at least that one guy with the two-sided sign with "You can't win an occupation" on one side and "McCain votes against vets" on the other. That guy was escorted away by the police, of course, but I enjoyed it nonetheless for however long it lasted.
Anyway, I recognized the guy, it was that Adam Kokesh dude of Iraq Veterans Against the War. At least I think so, we'll either find out for sure or not depending on whether the media determines if tracking him down might be ratings-worthy. I'm pretty sure, though, and certainly that would not be dissimilar to his past protests nor behaviors. I like his balls. Well, you know what I mean.
So yeah, I'm just extra glad that both of these showboat conventions are done with. Party time is over, so to speak. Now maybe things might get down to business and all the feel-good rhetoric from both sides might stop. Wishful thinking there, but I expect and hope it might decrease somewhat and maybe some real discussion might take its place. I have high hopes for the upcoming debates, so long as it's not just more of the same hype. This entire campaign cycle has been too much fanfare for far too long, time to end the puffery now. No more of the pomp and circumstance.

Yeah, I know whay you mean. We people with disabilites don't like you calling Johnny a "gimp" We prefer elderly ass-diminished geezer. I think they got worked up (doubt they can cream anymore) because a girl could actually talk and reinded them of Hooters, obviousl they couldn't see far. So much bleach in the audience, surprised they didn't pass out. That poor, lone black dude, camera on him so much. And cowboy Troy---a black CW singer...that just shows ya how inclusive those GOPs are. I thought Cindy was a Stepford wife, but 5 kids and librarian make-up takes the ewww factor. I'm with you, Doug, let's get this thing over with. Ain't no party without gay guys shakin' their booty.
ReplyDeleteSorry about the gimp thing, I didn't think through to know the politically correctness of elderly ass-diminished geezer. My PC skills are seldom up to par. The creaming part, just still giving them all the benefit of the doubt, the sure as hell can fake it well if not able. And I was very disappointed in seeing Cowboy Troy in the mix! Not as much as I was seeing John Rich of the same Big & Rich family perform for the damn thing! I'll never be able to listen to Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy again knowing they're all neoconish and stuff, and it was a favorite. On the other hand, have you seen the video? Talk about Hooters, the girls in that video all meet the job requirements.
ReplyDeleteI saw that protest guy too, but I didn't see him escorted out. I did see the raging hippie chicks throwing peace signs getting kicked out. Way more interesting than the speeches. The audience was crazy with all the USA chanting; they were acting like McCain is a God. Weird, I thought that's what they accuse Obama followers of doing. I do like McCain's mom though; I'd like to hear more from her!
ReplyDeleteI've also had fleeting thoughts about hottie Todd. He's kinda like the hot dad from the My 2 Dads sitcom. An unwelcome, disturbing thought I've had is that McCain used to be cute! I can't even make the connection to his present self, but post-POW MC looked good and I feel creepy just writing this.
ReplyDeleteDon't pick on the cute little baby. Todd has "weasle" written all over him. I'd pay for you to get to know him better. That would surely put a end to this joke of a VP nomination.
I just heard Todd speak; now I find him less attractive. I'm not into his voice.
ReplyDeleteBeen watching Mc today and have seen him over the years...he always needs that teleprompter now and he keeps repeating himself...even needs prompter after saying same ideas over and over...dare I say that such looping is a first sign of Alzheimer's. He moves strangely now too. I have known many older people and he acts more like an 85 year old. So many puppet masters above him.
ReplyDeleteOh, Erika - you're so right! He does resemble like Greg Evigan from My Two Dads!! I thought he looked familiar, but hadn't made that connection, nice catch!
ReplyDeleteAlso, as much as I can hardly stand to watch McCain now, I do have to confess to perversely enjoy watching all the early POW footage, just because he was so good looking back when. I agree.
Rain, I'm not picking on the baby, he has Down Syndrome which is a retardation. Todd, I'm sure, is a slimeball probably, I don't doubt that. I have read up on him. I'm just saying I'd still spend 15 minutes with him is all, he's cute. I am not above sacrificing my principles from time to time. Didn't say I wanted to marry the man or anything.
ReplyDeleteDiane - I agree about watching McCain today, too and often recently I've thought he seems to be a little out of sorts which I think is probably a valid concern. Particularly with Palin now to take over if. I really hope Obama can pull this off, and I really hope he doesn't disappoint.
ReplyDeleteI think you're too good for Todd. I heard that Palin hid with a tape recorder under her sisters widow to tape a conversation between her sister and her hubby.