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Vajayjay For Sale - $1 Million OBO

"We live in a capitalist society. Why shouldn't I be allowed to capitalize on my virginity?"

That is psuedonymed Natalie Dylan's defense to justify auctioning off herself for some dude to pop her cherry. She has student loans and such to pay off apparently, and wants also to pay to further her education.

Clearly one to think outside the box ... or, well, maybe in this case that's not so much the fitting phrase, mostly inside is where she's going with that. But still admittedly an entrepreneurial way of thought she has.

Whether intact or not, she's still just a whore. And honestly, most likely a liar, too. If she hasn't been laid yet after twenty-two years, she's probably not even worth pocket change for a blow job, much less the one million dollars she's wishing for a full-on plowing.

eBay apparently disallows hymen peddling, so she's instead (more appropriately, really) moved on to Plan B and has put herself up for sale at the world-famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch whorehouse in Nevada where you can legally pay to fuck sluts with total impunity.

"I don't think auctioning my virginity will solve all my problems, but it will create some financial stability," says ersatz Natalie.

She already has a bachelor's degree in women's studies. Now she has the aspiration to start working on her master's in marriage and family therapy. Plainly, though, whether or not she sells on the auction block, she's undoubtedly already fucked up in my opinion.


  1. I heard about this the other night
    and wasn't impressed with her at all. I believe she probably is intact, but has done everything else. I know my youngest sister remained a virgin until college, but before that she used to shower with her boyfriend!?! And now oral sex is considered 2nd base in middle school. It seems so backwards to me. So, I would bet she at least has some experience.

    What's extra-gross is she will probably end up doing it with that sleezy owner guy of the Ranch after she sells it. I used to watch the reality show and he basically used the girls whenever he pleased. I bet she ends up working there too.

  2. Oh, and I luckily (was up late & you're 2 hours later!)read your response the other night before you removed the post. I totally understand blogger's remorse and I don't even have a blog. But, I'm glad I read it or else I would have felt like I'd offended you:-)

  3. So now oral sex is considered second base? That's rather disturbing! And as far as that response, yeah ... no offense whatsoever, I deleted it because for some reason the illusion quit working for me and I didn't want to look like an idiot! On the other hand it might could have quit working just because I was high or something.

  4. Well, I guess that's her right, but it sure is sleazy! Humans do so many degrading, embarrassing thing that the so-called lower animals never stoop to do.

  5. Sure it's her right, I don't deny her that whatsoever, but I do find it sad the lack of apparent self-respect to do something like this. I'm not judging at all. Okay, well, I guess I did call her a whore, that might be considered somewhat judgemental, but really, that wasn't my point. I just think it's appalling, personally.

  6. LOL. Britney Spears-Virginity. Riiight. Yeah, in the olden days(my days) they called this prostitution. Cute gimmick. Destined to be the next Miss U.S.A.
    When I think of all women went through in the '70s to give future generations of females the right to do...THIS. Ugh, somehow we failed them. Takes gay people to be disgusted at these perverted heteros.

  7. All I have to add is..."sad..." :(

  8. I agree, very sad. What must her parents think?

  9. Yeah, Mom and Dad must be really proud. This girl's sister actually works at the same Bunny Ranch as one of those legal prostitutes, so ...

  10. Oh yeah, and Diane - Good point about the women's movement, ironic that she has a degree in women's studies and still this.


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