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Why I Cry

The Occasional Random Podcast

Weekend tally of tears shed:
Terrorist attack, zero.
Plane crash, zilch.
Sappy movie marathon, I can't count so high.

Notes to self:
Buy more Kleenex before watching next movie.
Find local shrink and make appointment.


  1. It's not just you. If nobody else, it's me too. There's at least the two of us.

    Maybe even worse, though, is that I don't cry all that much at funerals or "goodbyes". I cry at all the things you cry at, (yes, even commercials) and I don't understand it.

    I've always found it a little concerning, myself, because when people expect me to be crying, I usually don't... and I wonder if they think I'm heartless, because they don't understand me.

  2. First of all I LOVE when you "Pod!" Might do another soon myself...been "pondering" the idea.

    Now, it's not just you or Megan. Could it be that we are "numb" to it all. I mean, remember the "olden days" like when your folks would be reading the paper at breakfast, before you could read, or watching the news before you like anything but cartoons, and a murder was HORRIFIC? "A" murder. Could it be that we are just so "used to" it all? I have no idea...

    Then, yes, to cry at a movie/fiction? Maybe cause it is always (or ususally) a "personal" fictional story? I mean you spend two hours getting to know the people, so you love em, worry about them, etc...then one of them goes and dies on ya/us?

    Hmmmmmm...lots to think about...

    Good cast Doug! :)

  3. I love your podcasts too. And the musical transition at the end was very smooth and apropos.

    I added the Deep End of the Ocean to my Netflix. I cry during sad movies, but I like to be alone when I watch them. Even if it's just my husband present, I don't feel like I can totally let go unless I'm by myself. I didn't cry about the plane crash either; but maybe you would have if TB had not survived? I remember being upset when Aaliyah died in a plane crash.

  4. Megan, sorry I passed that genetic disorder down to you, but it is something I can't understand either.

    Lumina, yeah, maybe the thing about sobbing at fiction is you do get to know the characters, fake or no. But still, like Meg, even at funerals of people I know and even my family ... nope, nary a tear. That's why I totally gave up funerals, period, I don't care who it is, don't bother with the invitation (do they send invites for funerals? I don't even remember. :-)

    Erika, you'll really like I think the movie Deep End of the Ocean. Don't know if you've read the book or not, and like I said it's better even, but the movie is really good and it's an excellent story. I hope you do get a chance to watch it. Hope you tear up a bit, too so I'm not alone. :-)

    Hey, and thanks, all, for listening to me babbling for whatever it was worth. Sometimes it's easier to ramble when your mind is mush about something than to put into written word, so ... anyway.

  5. Hey there D- Ro,

    I love your podcast too. I agree with Erika about the music. If I hear a story about a child or an animal being hurt or abused it makes me cry. I watched the movie the sad. I've made a few videos and the two that always makes me lose it are Darkness over Darfur and Keep Encouraged. The one clip in Keep Encouraged almost made me scrap the project. I watched with my hubby and I was sitting there balling. It's the picture of the woman with total anguish on her face and she's crying over a coffin and someone is handing her a folded flag. That gets me every time.
    Lumina's video made me cry too... "Home is Where the heart" is.
    I hope you keep these podcast up, they are very enjoyable.

  6. I never cried until my first lover left me and then /now I cry at everything. A passing bird glances at me and I tear up. Pathetic. And someeho I think i is all about those first tears. Never cried at funerals, but cried when shock/awe happened and when the towers came down. Sounds like your commenters have stuff I'd cry at too. What a bunch of cry babies we are. Oh well, better than being a heartless stone like Cheney.

  7. I guess we all have our different crybaby triggers. My concern is that mine is usually only pulled when shit doesn't matter. Not that I don't care about the important stuff, I do more so than many ... but there's apparently an emotional trigger lock of sorts that engages then and I just sit back and watch.


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