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Why's There Even You and Me? A Personal Diversion

Obama still ba-rocks and McCain still, um ... is a dick. Okay. That's the extent of my political rumination today. Although I may be totally off on both counts, I wouldn't know. I honestly paid zero attention to realpolitik today so I have no clue what might have happened really.

I have other more personal and most disconcerting things on my mind. I'm kind of creeped out.

I have a stalker ... don't laugh. I really do. I think his name is Mike but I'm not even sure about that. He was probably lying when I asked, whatever the hell it was he said, but that's what I think I remember. I was drunk at the time.

Admittedly my fault. I'm an idiot sometimes, no new tale to tell there.

I don't recall exactly how I met the guy in the first place - it was a couple of years ago - but I do know that I willingly gave up my address. With directions, no less. Just in case. Damn the hooch. What was I thinking?

Anyway, so here's the deal. I had him over a time or two early on, no big thing (take that however you wish) but then pretty much blew him off (again, take that however.)

Not long thereafter the phone calls began. Incessantly. All night long, every few minutes.

I think the most I counted one night on the caller ID was twenty-six, between like 1 a.m. and 6 a.m. An occassional message left, very dirty boy that Mike.

Night after night, so I started unplugging the phone before going to bed. Of course then when I tested out that the calling had finally ended, I all of a sudden felt totally abandoned and cast aside!

So I called him in a brain fart moment from my cell phone and back to square one we were, now with both voice and text messaging.

Whatever, I'll confess to episodic moronity.

Finally fed up (after a few more permitted visits, no judgements please) I mandated an end to all contact. I suppose I had proved to myself in my own head my stalkworthiness - major ego boost! - and still my ability to maintain complete control of the situation. So that was done with.

Then not that long ago at the ungodly hour of six in the morning (I usually turn in around four-ish) relentless pounding at my front door. He was baaaaack! I tried to ignore it and fall back to sleep with pillow over my head.

The crackpot sat then in my driveway for at least the next half hour calling every thirty seconds or so. Yikes. He finally left.

After a few days passed without incident I figured my point had been made, but then just the other night around 10:30 p.m. he was back knock knock knocking at my door and when unanswered, tried to force his way inside!

Totally pissed off at that point (and I do have a temper, pushed far enough) I scared the piss out of the little guy when I flung open the door and laid into him with words I didn't even know I knew - and me one who usually prides himself on being pretty well-versed in all things profane. I think I even made some up. He hightailed it out of there like a bat out of hell.

Now though just days later, I find myself again suffering legion nightly calls, the oh-so-not-suitable-for-prime-time messages both voicemail and text, and somewhat afeard that he might likely soon return predisposed to seeking some sort of stalkerish revenge.

Last night I finally at least texted him back and lied that I had company. I also mentioned too that he was one weird little dude. In retrospect, probably not the smartest thing to say to a psycho.

Like I said, I'm pretty creeped out. But even with all things considered, I can't deny that I am still for whatever reason pervertedly flattered by such attention.

I try to convince myself that I'm the one calling the shots, despite my wiser inner self telling me that maybe, well, not so much.

Firearms or any variety of sharp and pointy objects in the hands of the stalker could very easily sway the balance of presumed power here, I know that.

But somehow I expect that I might just have him back for a visit soon, by invitation even, just to keep things interesting. With fingers crossed, of course. That's how weird I am, folks. The sex ain't so bad and he likes me, he really likes me!

Like this song by my hometown boys Puddle of Mudd asks, "I can't control you, you can't control me ... so why's there even you and me?"

I wish I knew the answer to that one. My stalker is actually kind of cute, though. That must count for something.

Puddle of Mudd - Control


  1. Perfect song to accompany your tale.

    Maybe, if you are going to see your cute stalker again, you should meet him in a public place and frisk him BEFORE(& after...but after you confiscate his weapons) he comes over to your place. I'd want to see his ID and get his address too so you have something to leave the cops-ha. Sounds crazy fun???? As long as you can take him...

    Oh and congrats on your stalker-worthiness status. I had one a long time ago that was psycho and unfortunately fugly. Damn.

  2. Well, I ain't yo mama, but I have seen these things go VERY wrong. Please step easy, and maybe look for somebody else to be flattered by. HE is in total control right now. You send mixed messages and if he IS psycho, he needs help and you need to consider a police report. If you ant control, you must decide what role YOU want: lover or police intervention. I don't think being friends will be an option for him.

  3. Diane,
    I totally agree with you. Doug, this guy is dangerous, trust me I know the type. The best thing you can do is to get a retraining order and call the police if he shows up. I fear for your safety. People have died at the hands of stalkers and it isn't a laughing matter.

    You shouldn't send him mixed signals, you just have to be careful. I get pissed when people try to force their way into my life. I've had a few stalkers on line, but never outside of that.

  4. "What to do if you are being stalked"

    "Do not respond
    You should never communicate in any way with your stalker and never agree to meet them. Arranging to meet your stalker could put you in a vulnerable and potentially dangerous situation. It could also jeopardise any future prosecution as it could be argued that you have co-operated with your stalker in some way."

  5. Okay, obviously public confession of my stupidity doesn't go over so very well. Sorry to disappoint any who may have thought me better than this sort of behavior, but at least the concern is appreciated. Really. I was just venting my own worrisomeness (that very well may not even be a word) when I wrote this. I'll be good, I promise.

  6. Oh yeah, and I have give a shout to Erika for the thumbs up to the song, too. At least I wasn't chastised for my musical selection!

  7. I'll always think highly of you and all of the bloggers I've come to know. I just want you to be careful.

  8. BFF, Lady Rainlillie. I know. :-)

  9. Thanks, Doug for the shout out- Holla!(holler) I intended the pun of tale/ tail- smack my ass- you get it. I was trying to be light, but then thought maybe with everyone else being more serious, it seemed like I didn't care. I trust your intelligence, but I still care too. I actually enjoy the personal, real-life stories more than politics, so I hope this doesn't inhibit you from sharing in the future. Party on most excellent one.

  10. Holla back! And yes, I got the tale tail smack my ass connection. Great minds think like me. (Hope that's not yet trademarked ... please don't sue, you know who!!!??) :-)

  11. ". I was trying to be light, but then thought maybe with everyone else being more serious, it seemed like I didn't care."

    Of course you care Erika, I was just being a mother hen to Doug R. He knows I adore him. I'm sorry if I made you think I thought you didn't care. Besides that, Doug post did have Doug type humor in it..I just love the way he writes.
    Please Erika, don't stop being funny, we can use your wit.

  12. Hey, Doug, I finally got around to checking out your blog. Glad you have those ladies watching out for your safety. I'm afraid all I saw was the humor of your post. Cracked me up -- very funny stuff. But, yeah, do be careful. Love your blog!

  13. It is funny until it turns stupid and not funny. And, D O U G, PLEEZZ, I never thought of ou s anything other than a sex-crazed normal gay guy, like all the gay guys I've known. This stalking is par for the gay course. I live in the "gay" part of Seattle and it is Sex in the City 24/7, I LOVE hanging around and hearing the stories. In my next life...maybe a gay guy---oh, the drama never ends.

  14. Diane!!! I'm no slut, why does everyone think gay guys are sex-crazed? I'm too old to care that much anymore, and I'd argue that the straight guys are just as boned up as often as we queers. But I'll admit you're right, we do have some more interesting stories. And believe me, I certainly look forward to meeting you in our next lives!!!! Let's get it on ...

  15. By the way, too, thanks, Tom. I do love my ladies.

  16. Well, if you're no slut, I may look elsewhere. Seriously, why do *I* think gay men are sex crazed? Um...where to begin: I could never have a conversation with one without losing eye contact as they checked out the guy passing us; as soon as I heard about a new lover, the next day it was another guy, they hung out at Gold's Gym like vultures,yum, and every morning when I had my coffee for 5 years a group of 7 never stopped talking about their affairs, oh now, each warm night the loud fights begin, "You looked at him you ho!" on and on. I can't think of a gay guy I've known who hasn't had at least a dozen sex partners. (That they knew the names of.) Remember though, I live in the GAY part of the city, the gay pride parade was always right out front, THOUHSANDS(Hell, that ain't spelt wright) of gay people EVERYWHERE, roof tops, 10 people deep, miles long,gay bookstores, salons, bakery, resturants, bars, movie theaters,(just in one block) sooo, perhaps the old men like you (OW!) were at home reading TIME magazine. Str8 men probably would if they could, but they get married. Yes, I think all men think about sex most of the time. But str8 men hide what they got, gay men like to SHOW it!(Don't str8 women too?) Isn't Sex in the City(Never seen it.) about 4 slutty women? (I'm gonna rot in hell, aren't I?)

  17. Okay, make up your mind, Diane. Are you going to rot in hell or come back for an afterlife sequel so we can slut it up together??? Cuz I was all excited, not knowing about this rotting in hell option, which I'd strongly suggest you reconsider. :-) You make some valid points, just not so much me, but my story is a bit counter-norm I'll admit.


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