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Losing to Losers, and Cindy McCain

First an update. Damn the weekend traffic! Not on the roads, mind you (way too cost-prohibitive) but rather the folks who are apparently choosing to spend their days-off free time online instead.

Something I failed to factor into my calculations. So I missed scoring 21-millionth Daft Hands video nerd by 16,000 and some change. Disappointing, I know. Some people really should get a life.

C'est la vie, I suppose, but there's always that twenty-two mil milestone. I'll just need to ramp up and be more cognizant of timing next go 'round, fingers-crossed topping that Loser leaderboard over my fellow no-life compatriots. "Never let the bastards wear you down," as they say. Goals are good things. Quotes are cool, too.

So anyway, that kind of sucked. Housekeeping out of the way, now to my point. Truth be told, I honestly don't have much of one today.

Just this, really: Cindy McCain totally creeps me out!

Admittedly I don't know why, but she does. Even moreso than her husband, and that's saying a lot. Can't put my finger on it exactly. She's been all over and all up in the media these past few days, and I'm now suffering nightmares.

I know that Michelle Obama has been making the rounds, too, but no sleep lost there. Color me biased but I'm just sayin' ... whyever, I find Cindy plain spooky.

Stepford Wives comes to mind. Again with no clearly definable explanation. I mean, I do recognize that apparently by mandate all first ladies and potential sidekick wannabes must at some point sign up for Stepford 101. Cindy, though, has presumably already graduated with valedictorian honor, I'm just guessing.

I reckon, if nothing else, the fact that she's fucking John McCain might be reason enough to be creeped out.

I said up front I had nothing worthwhile this evening, so yeah ... that's pretty much all I've got. My blog, my rules, meaningless banalities are always more than welcome lest I should be forced to disallow my own self from posting, and that ain't gonna happen.


  1. It's the eyes, Doug. It something about her eyes that are a tad bit scary. I'm talking about what's behind them.

  2. What's behind the eyes, that's totally it!!! Nailed it there I think. It is really actually the eyes that are the creepiness, and very distracting from whatever drivel she's been spewing from her piehole all over the TV lately. Sunglasses might help, not to give her any ideas. I'd prefer she just shut up, but not a bad suggestion.

  3. Ya, you know who this is. I can't continue to come here and see Cindy's fucking face staring at me. Update your blog. Or so help you...

    ((Back to lurking))

  4. YIKES, oh dead one ... consider it done!!! Fuckface should below the fold by now. Don't hurt me.

  5. I so agree. She looks, moves, speaks, all so unreal, so inhuman(un?) a first lady? Holy mother Mary, may gravity go first. Hmmm, maybe I've just unlocked the mystery!

  6. "it is really actually the eyes that are the creepiness, and very distracting from whatever drivel she's been spewing from her piehole all over the TV lately. "

    LOL! I think they show that she doesn't believe a thing she's saying or her husbands saying for that matter.

    "Holy mother Mary, may gravity go first. Hmmm, maybe I've just unlocked the mystery!"

    LOL! Diane.

  7. Ok Doug...Do I need to bring a bar of soap with me when I come here? Nah, I'll just plug my ears. Or would that be poke my eyes. (Actually, I feel right at home...shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...)

    For me? Well first of all, you guys are really "edjamacated" on your politics and I will be honest that I am not as much...but enough feel.

    So my two cents is I agree...and for me it's like she is too perfect. Not a hair out of place kind of perfect. I have always found that to be scary. I saw her on The View and between her an Elizabeth, I was almost nauseous.

    Loving the blog by the way...even if it is a sailor's more ways than one... :)

  8. Oh, Lumina ... you and Rain and your aversion to potty mouth. I'm not that bad really. But if it'll draw in some sailors, I can always ramp it up a notch!


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