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A Hillary Harangue

So I took a week off, that was weird. Self-imposed exile from all things Internet. Rather like rehab it was to give it up, and me not quite sure that I was up for the challenge.

The first day or two I admittedly did sneak an email peek here and there, cold turkey didn't really work out so well but I eventually bucked up. I'm no addict, I can quit anytime. I'm awesome.

Maybe some day I'll attempt forgoing smokes and booze for a week to further bear out my awesomeness. Some day.

For now though allow me to fire up a fag (I wish), crack open a cold one and bluster about why Hillary pissed me off last night. I truly thought her speech began well enough, totally expecting a leading up to gracious concession to Barack's pledged delegates victory.
"I want to start tonight by congratulating Senator Obama and his supporters on the extraordinary race that they have run.

"Senator Obama has inspired so many Americans to care about politics and empowered so many more to get involved, and our party and our democracy is stronger and more vibrant as a result.

"So, we are grateful, and it has been an honor to contest these primaries with him, just as it is an honor to call him my friend.

"And tonight, I would like all of us to take a moment to recognize him and his supporters for all they have accomplished
Hillary, over and out? Nopers. She blathered on.
"Now the question is, where do we go from here, and given how far we've come and where we need to go as a party, it's a question I don't take lightly.

"This has been a long campaign, and I will be making no decisions tonight
I suppose that was fine, she and her days-are-numbered staffers really didn't need to make any decision last night after all, what with the decision having already been made and stuff. Duh. Still, her refusal to acquiesce in reality was most annoying.

She's really no stooge, of course, and will wave the white flag this weekend, no doubt generating much consternation amongst her delusional and mathematically-challenged disciples.

But please. It's been aggravating enough that she opted to hang in there for as long as she did, with one after another of her arguments for staying the course yanked out from beneath her. To then dismiss last night, though, the crumbling of her last bastion of rhetorical hope (a categorical delegate-won tally) as inconsequential ... like I said, annoying.

I should also mention, however, that I would like very much indeed to see an Obama-Clinton dream ticket. There. I said it. Go figure. Now talk amongst yourselves.

Ben Harper - Better Way


  1. Doug R,
    You really do have a "great mind."

    I agree with all your points, but Hilary would undermine Obama's leadership. She's not the backseat kind of gal and we know that Bill has a huge ego, he would want to have say in the way Obama ran things.

    Besides that why go into a marriage knowing that the person has a ton of baggage? I also don't think she respects him, so that is a big problem too. Nice to see you back.

  2. I know, I know ... I've waffled on the dynamic duo ticket thing for the same reasons. However, I really do believe that Hillary on the ticket would help cinch a victory over McCain, which is the absolute number one priority in my opinion. That said, I have doubts that Obama will nominate her as VP, Bill probably being a liability (altho I do miss the guy as prez.) Somehow I'd be happy with the ticket, though. Like I said, go figure. Sometimes there's no 'splainin' myself.

  3. Doug - I am afraid you may be right that Hillary would help Obama cinch the victory. But she has so pissed me off with her win at any cost attitude....Maybe it's time the name Clinton just fades into the background.

  4. I just heard a commentator say it won't happen , because Bill has to be vetted and he has a lot of things to explain. He won't list the donors list to his library and his dealings with a few shady governments. Again, she doesn't respect Obama, so I don't think they will work well together. Another point that was made on the show was an African American man and a woman on the ticket might be too much change all at once. I see him picking an older guy, with foreign policy experience. I agree beating McCain is the number one goal.

  5. "delusional and mathematically-challenged disciples" LOL!

    A week ago, I mentioned to my husband the mathematical impossibility of HC clinching the nomination and he was surprised and responded with "really??" He thought it was strange that she would continue the race. I thought it was strange that he wasn't aware of the numbers (he doesn't think numerically like I do, even though he works in finance!) but, it shows how some people don't pay attention to numbers. Weird.

  6. Okay, the consensus seems to be against me on this one. Can I maybe get a high five for an Obama-Biden ticket? That would be my preference in fact, I just don't think it would stand as good a chance against Mickey C. At least we all agree that we can't allow that to happen!

  7. Doug R,
    I didn't mean to make you feel bad...LOL! I love Biden! I think he would be great as VP or playing a key role in a Obama administration.
    See, we disagree on very little... Motown , Christian rock, Hilary as VP...LOL! Now, don't start on George Michael.

  8. How about Richardson? He is a decent guy. Hillary will hold a post, but not VP.

  9. I could go for Richardson. I thought he came across rather poorly in his bid for president, was not impressed so much, but I think he'd be a decent sidekick and would probably be able to step up to the plate if God forbid need be. Not a first choice, though. If Hillary doesn't get VP (much to the glee of everyone here :-) what post do you think she might hold? I do hope that at least she garners some post in the Obama administration.

  10. The talking heads were saying Hilary could be a pick for Supreme court. I so agree about the way Richardson came across during the debates. I like him too, I think he'll be very useful. I think Obama is leaning towards Webb. Obama was in Virginia right after he won the primary and Webb introduced him.

  11. It'll be interesting to see which way the veep wind blows. I figure he'll take his sweet time, although I have been wrong before (gasp!)


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