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Meet the Neighbors

Okay - nobody gives a crap about anyone else's local news, I realize that. I know that I don't anyway.

Still, I can't help myself from sharing this gem of an example of one of my neighbor's less-than-stellar level of smarts as this happened today literally just down the road from where I live.

Think whatever you will about me, but I do find this report amusing and it does make me laugh. Stupid people are funny.
Kansas City, Mo. - Fireworks are being blamed for starting a fire that damaged a home in Brookside.

The woman who lives in the home told investigators that her children were setting off fireworks in the attic.

When she first smelled smoke, the woman thought a neighbor was smoking meat.
This would be why I don't go out of my way to meet the neighbors.


  1. How funny. I kid you not. You beat me to the punch.

    I was gonna post, "Why is it I am thinking about Jeff Foxworthy about now." :)

    I don't know which picture was funnier. Fireworks being enjoyed in an attic, or neighbors smokin' meat. But I'm a big city girl, so what do I know... :)


  2. Smokin' meat is perfectly normal around here, we all bbq all the time, although I just can't imagine being so daft as to think one's own burning attic would make ya think, "Mmmmmm... the neighbors must be smokin' some ham" or whatever. She's obviously an idiot. Passed on the stupid gene to the kids, too, setting off fireworks in the attic. I do think it's funny, though.

  3. Is that what you kids call it in KC Doug..."smokin meat". Yeah, I went there.. you're rubbing off on me. The door was open and I just had to go in.

    And I thought I had strange folks living next to me. I have a guy who clicks the locks on his car the same number of times at night..I kid you not. He clicks the lock 30 times each night, I counted. I have another neighbor who gets drunk and swears at his dog all night.

  4. My neighbor locks his boxer on balcony all day. Dog howls endlessly. But I must say...I'd stay away from your neighbors too if I were you. They are smokin' more than bbq.

  5. After reading these comments, I'm starting to think maybe I fit in after all. Rain's OCD neighbor and the locks, well I kind of have similar habits. And that other neighbor who gets drunk every night ... confessional hand up there, too! (I'd never curse at my dog though, maybe that somewhat redeeming.) And from Diane, altho I don't smoke anything more than bbq these days, I do have fond memories from back when ... So crap, maybe I should just start making the rounds and introducing myself after all.

  6. Don't forget the casserole. *giggling*

  7. LOL! Doug R,
    I forgot about the lady who sweeps all day.

  8. The sweeping thing, ah ... that's totally not me. Not a neat freak by any stretch of the imagination, despite stereotypical expectations. Not all of us "meat-smokers" fit that mold (yeah, I got and totally appreciated your "going there" with that, Miss Rain. :-) Shocked, maybe, but happy. Might even say gay!)

    And the casseroles are in the works. A box of mac & cheese and a can of tuna, should be good to go. I'll fancy it up with some of those canned french onions on top.

  9. Don't forget the finishing touch!

    A Smiley "gay" face made with Cheez Whiz! :)

  10. Nice touch! Note made to self.

  11. "Not all of us "meat-smokers" fit that mold (yeah, I got and totally appreciated your "going there" with that, Miss Rain. :-) Shocked, maybe, but happy. Might even say gay!)"

    ROTFLMAO!You're one of four people who totally crack me up.


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