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Disappointment of the Week

Pisses me off, this. Even as an ardent Obamaniac I have to ask, "Seriously, Barry ... are you shitting me, dude?"

Well, that's just fantastic, isn't it? Typical pussified Democratic caving in as we've unfortunately all been subject to and victims of despite our (ahem) Congressional control of the past couple of years.

What the hell, man?

Barack Obama's announcement earlier this week supporting the latest and greatest FISA amendment, including granting immunity to the partners in crime telcos ... yeah, pretty disappointing. Fourth Amendment still be damned. Bush's illegal-and-unconstitutional-but-who-gives-a-fuck-I'm-the-president interpretation received yet another resounding Senatorial huzzah.

Ah, but it was a compromise, after all. Only a small part of the bill, that telecom amnesty thingy.

Whatever. This still remains the gist of the whole package, though: You must give up your privacy and constitutional rights to us if you want us to keep you safe. And Barack all thumbs up and stuff.

To make matters worse, what he did is totally a one-eighty from his stance just a few months ago of supporting a filibuster of any bill that might include retroactive immunity for the telecoms.

Bottom line, like Russ Feingold said, "Instead of cutting bad deals on both FISA and funding for the war in Iraq, Democrats should be standing up to the flawed and dangerous policies of this administration." Amen.

Sounds like a plan to me. Unfortunately the actual execution of such proposed plan seems to have consistently fallen short of goal. Clearly we need a new party planner.

Can't believe I just dissed Obama. My very bad. Sackcloth and ashes for me this weekend, for sure.
Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me


  1. I'm pissed too, but the immunity is for civil suits against the companies, they are not immune from criminal prosecution. Watch Countdown Monday, Keith is going to explain the whole complicated mess. I use to love this song. Rockwell was a one hit wonder and also the brother in-law of Michael's Jackson's brother Jermaine.

  2. I'll watch Keith on Monday, maybe it will help to appease my disappointment.

  3. Nobody is going to be perfect. That's why God made those gays.

  4. Okay ... I watched Keith. Nah, my opinion remains the same. Could be the gayness, I dunno. :-)


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