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I Think

I think I'm bored blogging. I think I'm done with it. I think what's the point? I think you should check out my blogroll instead. I think they say stuff better anyway.


  1. Don't you dare! I feel that way sometimes and then I think about how much pleasure I get from exchanges with my blogger friends. Take a little break if you must, but don't quit. You did that already and we missed you greatly. Now where the heck is that Jesus post I was going to comment on?

  2. I agree with Doug B. Take a break. The one I just took did wonders for me.

  3. D-Ro,
    I'll e-mail you and try to talk some sense into you. Don't even think about leaving us hanging...AGAIN!

  4. I just started coming and was looking forward to reading more. I didn't know if when you said you'd answer my questions the other day if you meant on here or on Rain's site so I kept checking here too.
    What bores you about it?

  5. Before, when I quit, it was not by choice. This time it is, though. I really am so unfocused anymore, I kind of get overwhelmed with what I want to say. So I end up with 14 draft posts I never finish, and I'm not used to that. Touching Jesus was funny, though, don't know why I deleted that, except that it was just another example of re-blogging because I can't any longer post for myself!

  6. And you were missed, btw. Glad you're back. Where else might have found meatless meatballs? :) Maybe it's just a break I need to get more focused again. We'll see, but meantime I'm still there with you all.

  7. AGAIN .. like I said wasn't by choice last time. For now, though, as David Gates of Bread would say, "it don't matter me." :D I know you get that.

  8. All right, I confess I missed the questions, even though I flagged it to follow up. I'll do one more to answer, fr what it's worth. At least I'll have something to focus on, I might be able to complete something for a rare change lately.

  9. Hey D.R.! I hope you still comment with us on the other blogs, even if you're not posting on your own blog. You sound down and I know what that's like but just remember your funk will pass. I enjoy reading your writing, even your comments, so I hope you stick around cuz "Baby, I'm-a want you" to -ha. More Bread talk for you.

    What about doing impromptu free-flow podcasts sometimes when the mood strikes? It might eliminate your ennui problem and you have a great speaking voice.

  10. Hey all, I hope you see this. This is Doug's cousin. Doug has had a massive stroke, and he needs your prayers immediately. You can contact me at

  11. I am sorry to hear about Doug. I hope that he will recover. I will be thinking about him.

  12. Likewise. I'm sending well wishes his way and I hope he will be okay.

  13. Hi Rose,
    Thanks for letting us know about Doug. I'll be praying for him. This is such horrible news, just horrible.

  14. Rose, thank you so much for letting us know what happened. He will be in my thoughts and I hope he is okay.

  15. I really hate to hear this news. My thoughts and best wishes are with him.

  16. My thoughts are with him, too. He'll be in my thoughts.

  17. My heart is aching.

  18. Thank you all for your thoughts & prayers. I know my dad would be thankful for them.

  19. I'm sending well wishes to Doug!

  20. My thoughts and prayers are with you Doug

  21. Megan, I will keep you, your dad and your family in my prayers. He really means a lot to all of us. Please let him know that we all send him our love and best wishes. Take care.

  22. Doug & family,
    You have been and will remain in my thoughts and prayers.

  23. I was shocked at the news, and my heart aches for him and his family. He's constantly on my mind and in my prayers!

  24. Doug, I've been out of the loop for a while. I came on your blog by chance to see if you were up and running again. So sorry to hear about your stroke. My sis, only 37, had a stroke a few months ago. Scary times for sure. I do hope you are doing well.

  25. I hope you are doing well and recovery is chugging along.

  26. Donate to help Doug R. cover some of his medical expenses..


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