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The Anti-Gay Fundie and His Boyslut Porter

To tell you the truth, I'd probably hire this hottie Lucien to "lift my luggage", too, or whatever else, as a matter of fact, so it's doubtless inappropriate for me to knock some other guy as being so very wrong for actually doing just that. Hypocritical of me, I know, and hypocrisy is never a good look.

Except that the "some other guy" happens to be anti-gay activist and fundie Baptist preacher George Rekers, who hired this particular 20-year-old (well, not to fret semantics, but more exactly rented than hired, to wit ...) from the gay escort site Where one can apparently troll for such nice, slender blonde male hookers porters as Lucien.

See, George needed someone to accompany him on his ten days traveling throughout Europe, he says, to help with lifting his luggage, is all. "I had surgery, and I can't lift luggage. That's why I hired him." Well, I suppose that's one way to put it, and where better to find someone to lend a lifting hand, than the self-dubbed world's largest gay escort site, eh?

Also, it turns out, praise the Lord, what a blessing in disguise, really, a bonus conversion op how that surgery thingy turned out... since all Rekers is truly only interested in is "helping and lovingly caring for people identifying themselves as 'gay'." Just like John the Baptist and Jesus would do!

Thanks to Joe.My.God for getting this clarification out of Rekers: "Like John the Baptist and Jesus, I have a loving Christian ministry to homosexuals and prostitutes ... I spent a great deal of time sharing scientific information [with Lucien] on the desirability of abandoning homosexual intercourse, and I shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with him in great detail."

Or not. I reckon he surely shared something, all right, probably got some of his stuff lifted, even, but I doubt very much if it was Bible or baggage in any event, respectively. George Rekers is a douchenozzle. I do think Lucien is hot, though, in that slutty way I like, and at least he's not pretending something that he's not. Like I said from the start, hypocrisy is never a good look.


  1. Why is it these preachers preach the hardest against things they are guilty of? I don't understand that.

  2. People really hire others to carry their luggage? How many bags did he have? Don't the airlines help with that sort of thing? Like can't you pay those skycap people to take the bags to the appropriate place, you board the plane, and then another porter carries them to your car? And then you just give them a nice tip?

  3. He has the whole Shaun Cassidy look going on. George isn't the first and won't be the last hypocrite to be exposed. (No pun intended)

  4. dianejstandifordMay 6, 2010 at 9:19 AM

    I'm sure you saw the docu "Outrage," par for the course in the world of Republicans, Conservatives, Men of God, and anti-gayers. I am sure he has done worse than this, but what gets me is their dumb excuses. I forget sometimes how many stupid people there are. Can't you read the email, "I need one of your hot boys to carry my bags and be my ball boy." I feel so sorry for these men, forced to be hypocrites by society, or lose their high standing within it.

  5. Lucius is talking and said there was more than just luggage carryin going on...

  6. Like Doug B said they always preach hardest against the things they are guilty of. You're probably right, them doing more or worse than what they get found out for, you'd think they would know at some point they would be caught. Mostly pathetic is the initial denial of it, then the excuses, then the requisite repentance spiel, and usually still they remain adamant against whatever "bad" they did. Oh yeah, also they usually after being caught, suddenly get healed from their ungodliness.

  7. Yes, despite Reker requesting that Joe (from Joe.My.God blog) to please not bother Lucien because it might make him uncomfortable, I saw Lucien talking, too. I didn't really pay attention to what he had to say, though, just kept thinking of his rentboy profile, I was too distracted to concentrate :)


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