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Unedited Anti-War Big Block of Text

I am so anti-war it's not even funny. Even the Afghanistan debacle, and I know Obama intends to amp that one up but at least to maybe get it over with, too, sooner than later once we get our ass out of Iraq where it ought not ever have been in the first place.

Personally, I think going into Afghanistan even for bin Laden was a mistake. I know, I know, war on terror, blah blah, and he's a bad guy and everything. Orchestrated killing three thousand give or take, innocent American lives. Well, we certainly have trumped that by oodles the wiping out of innocent civilians, huh? Not to mention the adding to our own U.S. of A. tally of the dead.

Maybe I just don't understand collateral damage so much. But rather than destroying a country and every regional commoner being on constant alert to maybe be smattered at any moment, I just think there should be a better way. Maybe society is so fucked up there isn't any other option anymore, the world history of warring kind of proves that point I suppose.

Sure, self-defense is one thing, but I would think that would be getting rid of the bad guys, only. Send in some ground troops or whatever, set up some intelligence operation or what the hell might be needed, but until you know wherever the baddies might be running to or hiding out, let everyone else the fuck alone.

No wonder the masses in so many places around the world hate on America, can't say that I blame them so much. Not to mention that the more we piss them off, the longer the line of terrorist wannabe recruits lining up to get even. Some war on terror, that, rather counter-productive it seems, but that's the way the game is played out I guess. Always has been, I know.

Still, if for just once we'd maybe shut up our American-as-apple-pieholes and try finding the bad guys only with no reason for nearby faultless others' handwringing we might could possibly set a better example. To me, war just makes absolutely no common sense. None whatsoever.

Think what you will, and argue however it might sometimes be justified, if any reasoning can be made as for why, even if I do understand, it's just a concept I'll never buy into. Whatever purpose.

To me it's like claiming to know that some nefarious culprit might be lurking in my own neighborhood, so thumbs up for vaporizing the entire block just in case. Even though he'll probably manage to get away, of course. Or he could be possibly in that apartment complex, blowing that to smithereens totally justified. Keep it up until someday maybe Lady Luck will finally offer up the bad guy dead.

The rest, just collateral damage. Lots of others around the hood, though, no doubt totally pissed off by then, wanting revenge. Stupid shit, war. My opinion, one of those issues bandied about and which I see both sides but also one that never will my slant on it change.


  1. I really enjoyed reading this. Has the desire to KILL bin Laden (you hear much less about capturing him and putting him on trial) become so much politically correct posturing? Is vengence as American as apple pie? If we find and KILL bin Laden, will that end the war on terror?

    Look at the enormous human toll our efforts to have Saddam killed has taken. Was it worth it just to settle a president's personal vendetta?

    Collateral damage has seemingly become an acceptable fact of life. But not with me. I believe that impure hands will never be able to perform pure deeds.

  2. Thank you, Doug. At least I know I'm not alone in my way of thinking of things. I totally agree. I didn't bother to edit, actually just did the podcast rant first and then kind of mostly just transcribed it, never really a good idea, so I know it sucks, but my point was made. Thanks again, I appreciate the comment, spot on.

  3. It doesn't matter to me if they capture or kill Bin Laden. Either one works for me. I do think that we need more troops in Afghanistan, I also think that we have to try to eliminate the Al Qaeda training camps and the Taliban. Not only for our security but also for the security of other nations.

    Bush made the mistake, by going into Iraq and not staying in Afghanistan.
    I think P-e Obama knows what has to be done and I support him 100 percent.

  4. Yeah, too bad Obama left with having to clean up the mess there. I'm confident he'll do what needs to be done with more troops in Afghanistan, and I support him in that respect, just too bad in my opinion that's the only option at this point because it has been handled so badly from the start.


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