After my Election Day political orgasm I'll confess that right after, almost like a whack to the head, I started then wondering despite my Obama mania, how things might possibly play out looking forward. Lots of messes to deal with, after all.
I have to say, though, that even so far being only President-Elect I am feeling so confident about this man to head up the country. And as an aside, can you point to anyone who has ever consistently presented himself with as much confidence without arrogance, and such invariable class and grace?
Not that confidence, class or grace mean shit when taking over governing a nation gone to hell under the Bush administration, I know. But it certainly pumps up the hoping of better things to come. I have let go my doubting of what is in store for the future, though. I am convinced and a full-fledged believer now that however botched up things right now, we have someone coming into office next with the moxie to set things straight. America no longer a laughing stock for the rest of the world.
Took a long time for Bush to fuck things up so much, I know, so I don't expect overnight miracles. Damn, beyond hearing Barack speak with such conviction and honesty, making now clearer even his planning for the future, but simply just his body language. Watching him stride across whatever stage or venue, before he ever opens up his mouth to talk, makes you feel and somehow know that he's got whatever it's going to take to fix up so much bullshit.
I won't always, and don't even now, agree with him one hundred percent on every issue. Hell, no. And I wouldn't expect to. I don't just follow blindly, I do still think for myself and consequently dissent from time to time. But I'm thinking we did good this time around. I voted, and you're welcome. Can't wait for the black dude moving into that white house. Change indeed, and maybe I can be proud again. And maybe countries and their folks elsewhere might not need worry about being blown to bits for no good reason, just because.
How can we not be hopeful? Even Obama's transition decisions have shown wisdom and good political instinct. It is so important that he "hits the ground running", as he put it, because the honeymoon won't last long. I'm bracing myself for a really ugly scene as the radical right sets about to undermine nearly everything the man tries to do.
ReplyDeleteDoug B - I do think, somehow, that being Obama, whatever attacks from the radical right won't matter much, he seems to take opposition in stride and doesn't over-react in kneejerk fashion. Your right, his transition decisions so far have shown MUCH wisdom, as you say, I should have mentioned that, too, because that also gives me much hope. The man is smart. He knows his strengths, he also recognizes his weaknesses, and chooses wisely whom best to fill those positions to make up for those weaknesses. I don't know. I'm just very confident and hopeful, and am impressed thus far.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, D-Ro! and yes "we did a good thing" and the right thing.