The sooner the better, too, lest whichever transgressors might risk losing their "state of grace" if they do not opt for begging pardon before their next up wafer chomp and wine shot event.
He even sent a letter to the sheeple explaining presumably on behalf of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that voting for Obama was a mortal sin and how apparently one's eternal destiny could be in jeopardy. Obama supports abortion, you know, a mortal sin that.
Again, another lamebrained bonehead tagging anyone supporting pro-choice rights the same-same as being pro-abortion. I'm sure he'll have some alarmed parishioners lining up before the next Communion, just playing it on the safe side. Idiots abound all over.
Of course, the guy on the other side of the screen no doubt being one of the heavenly bound holy folks called at the behest of Jehovah to pardon those who may have risked damnation by voting in a baby killer. They obviously rather voted John "I-was-doing-Cindy-while-still-married-to-my-gimpy-first-wife" McCain instead, mortal sins apparently have a mandated statute of limitations.
Hey, that's fine really. Let whoever the moronic penitent boneheads 'fess up if the want, I'm just personally thankful to God that the chads have already been punched or the touchscreens touched or the ovals duly marked with a number two pencil, whatever. At least they had that one moment of sound sense.
Even though the robed guy in the next booth passing out the absolution could possibly be simultaneously getting fellated by some off-duty altar boy, who knows? Nah, I shouldn't have said that, that was just wrong. Stereotypical maybe, and guilt by association.
No more so, though, than this Illo chump decreeing judgement on Obama being all baby-killer and stuff because of his defending the rights of others choosing to terminate a pregnancy, and no more so than tagging any who might have voted for him hellbound.
I'm one hundred percent pro-choice. Even if I was not, I would still have voted Obama believing in him to be best our next in line leader of the country which, stupid me, I thought at the top of the list of responsibilities in the job description as President.
I suppose if voting for Obama is tantamount to innocent blood on my hands, I pity even more then those others who last time around voted George W. Bush, assured a particularly special reserved suite at the Hades Hilton. See ya in the afterlife, rosary dudes!
LOL, great post. Fools. Didn't they bring, like, LIVE babies to make sacrifices to God? Sickos.
ReplyDeletei voted for obama AND i've had multiple abortions. thank goodness the concept of god is a joke.
I have friends that have had multiple abortions, some of which I'm sure unless they've changed over the years voted probably for McCain. Really I don't think either way should be an issue determing one's eternity, just stupid shit.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, Diane, if no other example, God Himself telling Abraham to drag his own son out to slaughter as a sacrifice. Of course, He called that off, just kidding Abe after all to make sure he was paying attention and proving his devotion. I don't think Obama would consider going quite so far as that!
I wonder if this guy said the same thing to those who voted for GWB? While Gov of Texas, they had the highest rate of executions. Lets not even talk about the people killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
ReplyDeleteRain - my point exactly about seeing the "rosary dudes" in the afterlife.