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Splinters in Others' Eyes, Beam Maybe in my Own

A college student, Abraham Biggs, committed suicide last Wednesday by taking a drug overdose in front of his live webcam while some of his viewers were cheering him on. It was even discussed about whether he might or might not be taking a big enough dose to get the job done.

Others did try to talk him out of it, then some OMGs and OMFGs when it became clear it really was no joke after all. By the time the cops finally got there, also caught on cam, it was already too late. Twelve hours later when they arrived. Count 'em, twelve.

He was 19 years old, attending Broward College in Florida. When the police arrived, he was already dead on his bed, the webcast still running live and people were still watching. Did I mention, twelve hours after his online manifesto of intent around 3 a.m.?

His family is pissed that no one acted any sooner to save him, neither the viewers nor the site that hosted his webcast which had by the way also been notified of the happenings hours earlier by those not so busy still wisecracking on his site.

Only after the police showed up did they finally stop the feed. "So that's 12 hours of watching," the dead kid's sister said. "They got hits, they got viewers, and nothing happened for hours."

I watched the video, an officer enters the bedroom where he is lying in bed, his face turned away from the camera, and then starts to examine him as the camera lens is covered up.

An autopsy concluded he died from a combination of opiates and prescription drugs prescribed for his bipolar disorder. One voyeur who watched the whole thing unfold said that after swallowing some pills, the guy went to sleep and appeared to be breathing for awhile while everyone else on the site continued cracking jokes.

A lawyer there in Florida said there is probably nothing that can be done legally against those who watched and did nothing, nor against the site hosting his feed as for being held liable. Even though so many watched, and even though the host site had been notified of the goings on, all hands most likely clean.

Really? I mean, I understand sick shenanigans and how some viewers might in the beginning have thought it nothing more than a ghoulish prank, but to watch a guy die and twelve hours pass and doing nothing?

And not that the company hosting the webcast controls whatever behavior of their users' live uploads, but shouldn't they be at least held to account for ignoring those that did bring to their attention the goings on given even the slightest possibility of this being, as it turned out to be, the real deal?

I personally think there's plenty of guilt to dole out all around. Not that the end result might not have ultimately been the same, it very well could have been too late anyway. Nobody can know.

But clearly there was a pretty gaping window of opportunity there when things could maybe have turned out differently if only someone had paid attention just on the off-chance it might be bona fide the possibility of a legitimate dying guy on cam. Pisses me off.

I read his suicide note, too, he had posted that beforehand. Very sad the whole story. Then I have to wonder, also, while I'm judgementally pointing fingers at everyone else, if I had read that note ahead of time would I have taken any sort of action? Probably not, actually.

And if I had been watching the live stream of him chugging the pills, even after several hours, would I have done anything then? Again, most unlikely, to be honest.

Of course, I had no part in this whatsoever, but just self-analyzing here, I'm as likely as not in deserving a bad conscience as those I deem to be pricks. I figure, though, this is one of those things I would imagine hard to truly believe to conceivably be actually happening on one's own watch.

Either way, tragic story, and I do think those lackadaisical watchers suck, as do those unconcerned hosting folks suck. As the case may be, all things considered, so might I have sucked as well had I been there at the time. Not a pleasant thought, but possibly truth.


  1. I was going to write about this, now I don't need to. Great post! I agree with all of your points. I showed the story to my hubby and we talked about how there's seems to be a lack of empathy in our society today. I received a letter from my son's school telling us to be on the look out for the "choking game." It's a game where children use ropes and towels to choke themselves until they almost pass out. I guess the goal is to see who can last the longest.

    Do you remember an old movie where this girl is murdered and all the teens know where her body is and they would go in groups to look at. Not one of them notified the authorities right away. That's kind what this online suicide reminds of me of.

  2. My opinion of suicide differs than most so I won't get into it. That said, in terms of legal practicalilty charges should not be brought against anyone. It sets a bad precedent.

    Besides, I see this from a different perspective. The fact remains that there were people who did what they could to get this teenager assistance.

  3. Rain - I used to play that choking game when we were bored in my teen years. Really bored, gave you kind of a rush to pass out briefly and come to. Stupid stuff kids do. That movie kind of sounds familiar but I can't remember specifics.

    Fan - I have no problem and totally understand those who commit suicide, I've considered it quite often myself. I think what I find morbid is doing so in front of an audience, many who do nothing but particularly the host company for so long. Maybe legally they are not liable, I'll concede, but I think they might have been obligated to investigate sooner. Also, I realize your perspective of those who did take action, not to be a point overlooked. It's just when I realize that I myself might very well have been one of the slacker watchers kind of disturbs me personally.

  4. This is all news to me. (Though, I posted about the choking game months ago) I would feel creepy too if I watched and did nothing. My post tonight sort of touches on this about we humans. I would have acted. Especially had I been there. WTF is happening with our young adults? We invented the Internet then let it loose on children. Our bad. We have 500 TV channels with murders, robbers, rapes, fighting with fists, all to cheers. Attention is key/all important...such a sad story. I am ok with an adult killing themselves. I would not stand by and watch it without calling for help. I used to volunteer at a crisis clinic hotline; nobody died on my watch. The www is a strange new world. We enter at risk. But responsibility should live within us. I've called police in other towns when need be. 12 hours?? I don't blame the parents for being angry, but if the guy left a note, his family needs to look in the mirror first.

  5. Good point, Diane, about nobody really giving any credence to his note beforehand. It was quite lengthy, actually, too, seemed pretty sincere. Mostly the responses I read from others about it was that how he would probably fail again anyway, he had tried before apparently (albeit not in front of a live audience.) But pretty clear the letter he left he kind of meant business. Speaking of weird WWW shifts, instead of penciling out a note as is customary he actually mentioned in it for it to be bookmarked by his family and I guess printed off instead. Lacks a personal touch, but our brave new world. Really a sad story, though. Makes me think twice about how to react maybe to things in the future, I'd have totally dropped the ball on this one and sucked, too.

  6. I saw a headline on my homepage...something about an angry father and his son's death on camera...but didn't read. As I've said (maybe) I stopped watching or reading most news years ago...for this reason.

    Tragic. I'll bet there are alot of "viewers" out there freaking out about now, realizing they actually watched, joked and did nothing. A dose of reality setting in I am sure. With all the video games, chat room bullying/crap etc., I can see where those who "engage" in that stuff regularly...maybe thought it was all another "game."


  7. "I stopped watching or reading most news years ago...for this reason."

    I'm a news junkie, I can't help myself. Stuff like this though that gives me some sort of knee-jerk reaction about the wrong of others that then make me realize I'm probably no different than any of them, yeah, those kind are particularly noteworthy in my head.

  8. As a parent of a choking game victim, Gabriel Mordecai, I am glad to see that you are writing about this wicked, high risk, thrill seeking activity that has been killing for decades.
    Sarah Pacatte

  9. Thank you for the link to your site remembering Gabriel. And to Rainlillie too for making that connection from my post to that issue. I hope others will check out your site about Gabe, too, even though I've done it myself as a youngster. But thank you.


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