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The Apocalypse and Dead Babies

His Eminence James Francis Cardinal Stafford, some typical archetypal pointy hatted really old Catholic dude in a dress, last Thursday commented that by electing Barack Obama as our next president, America has "suffered a cultural earthquake."

That can't bode well, and Lord knows this bulletin from a man of God, probably actually channeling the Almighty even. I think those hats that are all the rage in the upper echelons of the Church work somehow as spiritual antennae, supposed to stream Jesus or something, but that's just my own speculation.

By whatever means divinely inspired, he did pass along the straight dope about how Obama is so "aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic." Holy shit. That seems a bit extreme, don't you think?

Particularly given that all those three adjectives I would think mostly might be more so applicable to the outgoing (praise the Lord for that, anyway) Daffy Lame W. Duck. Aggressive, disruptive, and apocalyptic? Yeah, I think perhaps His Eminence might be getting a wee bit confused in his winter years, wires crossed or something.

Of course, his real point was claiming about Obama campaigning on an "extremist anti-life platform." Again, anti-life referencing Barack's stumping in light of the past eight years ... kind of funny really.

Obviously he was actually really referring to the Roe v. Wade thing. Firstly, I have to say, I don't recall particularly Obama going all radical on that issue at any point during his campaign, certainly not so much as to be categorized an extremist.

Secondly, I get totally pissed off when those of us who do support a woman's right to choose are out of hand classified as anti-life. Bullshit. Since when did pro-choice become synonymous with anti-life? Hell, I'm against abortion. And certainly do not condone killing of babies. Even though I honestly don't like them very much until they get to about four or five years old, then they're kind of cool.

I am not anti-life, but I am pro-choice. I am not pro-abortion, but I am certainly for a woman's own freedom to choose. I respect and know that this issue is one that folks hold headstrong opinions about and that's perfectly fine, I understand that. But to commonly be identified as supporting abortion if I am opposed to ever overturning Roe v. Wade, that does tick me off.

Finally, like I said, I don't really think Obama ever spent much time even going on about that, and I'm pretty sure he's not anti-life. Also wanted to mention, though, that the cat in the hat said in the same address that "man should not be held to a supreme power of state, and a person's life cannot ultimately be controlled by government."

Wasn't that the point of Roe v. Wade, government not getting entangled in making such decisions? Sounds pro-choice to me.


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