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The United States and Israel (our adopted 51st) last week condemned mutual arch enemy Iran after it test-fired long-range missiles capable of reaching so far as Tel Aviv.

A senior US state department official said the launch was "provocative." Probably gave him a boner even, I'd guess. Both the US and Israel do seem to have an explosives fetish.

Warmonger kink I'll never understand, but to each his own.

Or maybe on second thought he didn't really mean provocative in that way. I'm just presuming, though, all things considered.

Calling Iran out on the strikes, however, does of course add more fuel to the propaganda fire to maybe help garner support of enough idiots to justify bombing the crap out of yet another country.

I think just possibly the Iranian government might too have felt a wee bit provoked themselves this last month, after Israel dispatched those more than a hundred F-16 and F-15 jets to take part in that "exercise" in preparation to blast the bejeezus out of Iran.

Hmmm, maybe similarly disconcerting too, don't you think?

They're probably also not so comfortable with the US warships already consigned and lying in wait within striking distance, either.

Of course whatever prep or trial attack runs made by either the US or Israel against arbitrarily-deemed evildoers is unquestionably righteous and noble, most likely ordained by God even, I'd assume.

Look, I don't care the good or the bad of the Iranian leadership. Okay that's not true. I mean, I do care ... and it does suck, I know that. More so than either of ours, though? That question is perhaps debatable but not really the issue pissing me off here.

We (meaning the US and our Best Fuckbuddy Forever Israel) keep poke poke poking at the Arabs, and we really still don't get that, at some point or another, they're bound to occasionally poke back?

It's not even a partisan thing, although Bush and cronies have certainly stepped it up a bloody notch or two during the past few years, of course. And I'd bet that before the end of this year, Bush will make damn well sure that one way or another we start up even another debacle with Operation (Insert Bullshit Name Here) in Iran.

A tag team effort this match-up, though, with our BFF. We are running short on homegrown cannon fodder over here, after all.

Leaving yet another mess for Obama to clean up. Although he's admittedly another Israel suck-up, too. Apparently that's a prerequesite if running for President of the United States. Whatever.

Here's the deal, it's really no wonder the US and Israel get along so well. Opposites sometimes do attract, of course. I mean, the US was once upon a time best buds with Iraq, for Christ's sake!

But we've seen how those sorts of relationships ultimately come to an end. Hardly an example of an amicable separation there, huh?

More often than not, the most lasting relationships seem to be of that eHarmony variety with so much in common. And that's just the kind of thing we've got going on with Israel! Special chemistry there.

Perfectly matched, we are. Both manifestly destined and successful in forcibly having stolen our respective nations beyond account, arrogance defying description, and certainly both believing we're above all reproach no matter our frequent episodic insanity.

Not to mention, too, both stupid enough to think that when we get the itch to take on any other country for whyever, with or without real reason or actual proof of acting up (we do also share that knack for making shit up if need be), we're somehow seemingly always taken aback and surprised by any sort of retaliatory blowback.

Maybe Iran really is nefariously plotting nuclear weaponry despite their claims to the contrary. I don't know. They very well may be.

If so, though, I can't say that I blame them really. What with two ostensibly do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do nuclearly armed warmongering countries breathing down their sovereign national neck.

Particularly when the bigger of the neck-breathers is the only one ever gone down in history to have proven their nuclear prowess.

Gotta go, someone's at the door. Yammering something about from the Department of Homeland Security or some such thing, I think. They seem impatient and quite persistent. Better go see what's up.


  1. I was really looking forward to this post, Doug, and you did your usual super job!

    You are exactly right about the way Israel and the USA keep "poke poke poking at the Arabs." Remember how Bush at the beginning of his "war on terror" slipped up and used the word crusade?

    Former president Carter, who also has the courage to criticize Israel, has well said concerning America:

    "Under all of its predecessors there was a commitment to peace instead of preemptive war. Our country always had a policy of not going to war unless our own security was directly threatened and now we have a new policy of going to war on a preemptive basis."

    Israel and the United States are committed partners in a plot to go after Iran. This has become an unholy alliance and threat to world peace. Why are more people not concerned about this?

  2. Thanks, Doug. And I really do admire Jimmy Carter. Honestly, when he was in office I was still to young to care so much about politics, so maybe he sucked as president. He, though, is one of the most admirable, humanitarian, common sense guy on the scene now, I do know that, and I always admire his guts in doing the right thing despite all the criticism by mostly others who know little or nothing about what they're even bitching about. Common sense is lacking these days it seems, both within the ranks of those calling the shots, but most sadly also apparently amongst the general population, who buy in to whatever propaganda tossed out and never actually use their own brains to think for themselves. Not everyone would agree about such things, of course, but it would be nice to see us at least be able to explain our positions with a reason, not just the rote "they said this or that" excuse. It annoys the hell out of me.

    Whoa. Well, anyway, that's why more people are not concerned about pretty much anything anymore, why think when you're constantly being told what to think?

    I do love that Jimmy Carter quote. I like about you that you do appreciate quotes and always have just the right one to bring up. I do, too, appreciate quotes, but never can remember. All the voices in my head make it difficult.

  3. I think Americans have been brainwashed into believing that anyone who says something against the Israeli government is anti-semitic.
    I've heard this from liberals when I criticized their actions in Quana a few years ago. I always thought we should be in the middle in some of the conflicts. It seems very one sided at times.

  4. Yeah, like that Qana massacre was a misfire. Give me a break. People believe whatever they're told to believe, no wonder both the US and Israel can be so cocky.


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