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Brainsick Bus Guy

This is probably the most disturbing story I have ever heard!
"A man aboard a Greyhound bus traveling across Canada calmly stabbed another man dozens of times and decapitated him, pausing briefly to display the head to horrified passengers before proceeding to disembowel his victim."
Seriously, this is one of those stories that just reading it makes me cringe and wet my pants a little bit. Nightmare fodder for later on.

The victim, apparently around 20ish or so, was snoozing on the bus with his headphones on when the dude next to him out of the blue began stabbing him for no discernible reason whatsoever.

Calmly, even. Didn't really seem so much pissed off about anything.
"We heard this bloodcurdling scream and turned around, and the guy was standing up, stabbing this guy repeatedly, like 40 or 50 times."
The driver stopped the bus when he became aware of the melee and the passengers hastily clambered off. I would certainly suppose so!

A bit later, this one passenger Garnet Caton re-boarded along with the bus driver and a trucker who had stopped to see what was up.

He said the guy had the kid on the floor of the bus and "was cutting his head off with a large hunting knife."

The knife-wielding loon then turned on them, at which point they wisely opted to disembark pretty damn quick, blocking the door from outside while the guy went off slashing at them through some gap.

He then returned to the body and nonchalantly came back to the front of the bus to show off to the outsiders the detached head.

Like I said, this story really freaks me the fuck out. I am very aware that there are some deranged folks out and about ... but are you kidding me? Katy bar the door, I may never leave my house again.


  1. Now THAT was the absolute most freakiest awful story I've ever heard! And talk about tragic!? Being a mom, after the shock and horror, I go right to the "he was someone's child" thing.

    *whew...just let out a big sigh*

    That was horrific. Guess you got me back for the insomnia the other night... :P Let's call it even and promise to not do it anymore? Heartbreaking...

  2. It is heartbreaking. And also there were apparently several children on the bus at the time, too, but I can't even think about that part. You're off the hook about the insomnia now, this will probably take over for tonight anyway. :-)

  3. Now I can't even get a comment to post..testing

  4. Ok, as I SAID, I also heard the trucker passed out crowbars to the passengers. NYC subways, Seattle buses, I have lost my trust of others, sadly so. Now I suppose Greyhound will have metal detectors.

  5. What's weird is that just last night I was checking online for whatever Greyhound routes to NYC and I've never even taken a bus anywhere. I hope if I go they do put up some metal detectors, this story scared the crap out of me for some reason!

  6. OMG! My sister lives in NC and she stopped riding the GreyHound years ago. She said there Were too many creeps on the bus. I guess she was right.

  7. Apparently I'm the only one who hadn't heard of this already until late yesterday from those I've spoken to or heard from. But that "better late than never" thing I'm not so sure about, I really kind of would wish for the "never" on this one. Don't know why this bothers me so much, even moreso that what I know is probably even more important and even more so atrocious. But it does.

  8. I hadn't heard this until I read it here. It is the kind of story I would have avoided reading. Very disturbing!


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