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Media Blogging

Here's something that has annoyed me to no end for quite some time (again, let me admit up front that this trying to quit smoking thing certainly has without doubt made me more rant-prone lately versus my usual docile self.)

Blogs are all the rage, of course, and that's a good thing. That's why we're all here, right? I mean, I read dozens actually ... which now that I think about it probably doesn't reflect so well on what I apparently consider time well-spent. Whatever.

Real folks, candid considerations and ruminations, intelligent dialogue (well, some maybe not so much, but usually at least amusing) all out there in the sphere of blogo.

What irks me is this, though. These days, you can't turn on the television without some (seems like most, really) of the mainstream media talking heads closing his or her daily diatribe sans directive:

"... and be sure to check out my blog at"

The networks' blah blah blogs. They get on my nerves, and with this whole quitting-smoking thing, believe me I have very few good nerves left. Yes, there are some most excellent and legit journalists' blogs floating around out there in the ether, I know. I even read some.

Most, though, regardless of however highly touted or promoted are simply nothing more than an extension of further ad-sponsored tripe of the same waste of time just spent in front of the telly watching whichever one's android-of-choice's rhetoric.

Hell, they don't even have to bother coming up with their own material. Ghostwritten and previously teleprompted, all that's left to do is have it transcribed and uploaded by some newbie intern.

Of course, now it occurs to me that if I'd simply stop dutifully checking out every suggested link, I'd probably not get so worked up about this anyway. Sorry. I think maybe I just need a nicotine fix.

I have a media addiction too, admittedly, but they do piss me off from time to time. Actually more often than not, truth be told.

Not that there's any real reason for this video, but it is at least media-related. And Lisa Marie is hot!! Now I really do need a cigarette.

Lisa Marie Presley - Dirty Laundry


  1. I agree Doug, and I don't smoke. They don't have real blogs, blogger-wannabees, yeah. Get your own shit, media, and leave our blog world.

  2. Glad I'm not alone in my pissed-offedness at this! Thanks, Diane.

  3. I only read one or two media type blogs, the rest are Ma and Pa blogs.

    Doug R,
    My Mom smoked for 40 years my BFF for 22, they both quit. My mother has been nicotine free for three years my friend for two. I'm so happy to hear you're kicking the butts. Good luck!

  4. Crap, now I have proven success stories to live up to. Kinda sucks, really. Thanks, Rain. :-p


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