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I'll Regret This Later, But ...

I don't regularly smoke pot. Not anymore, anyway. There's some weird tainted shit out there these days. Hardly the weed of my youth, that's for sure!

Okay, yes, I'll admit to having indulged even in recent years from time to time, but very rarely and only when I know firsthand the source. Trust me, one single most unpleasant PCP-laced experience even from 1984 makes one a bit wary forever.

Still I do miss it, what can I say? The Zig-Zags, the roach clips, the bongs. Laughing, everything funny, the munchies. Good times.

But I'm much more responsible now, of course. So my point here is in truth to simply validate my overall personal betterment and growth.

And to also confess my backsliding this evening. I'm a little bit stoned, but to my credit just by a toke or two is all. Or maybe a few.

The guy I was with is coming back over, too. On his way now. I don't really like him much and I think I pissed him off because he's a Republican and I went off on a George Bush tangent earlier tonight.

He might be an idgit but he's also hot ... and I'm high, so it's all good.

I ought not be posting this. It's a given that I've no doubt lost status amongst those who may have expected better of me, but you know what? Right now I'm too giddy to care so much and I most likely will be getting lucky later. I'll try my best for redemption tomorrow.

Hinder - Get Stoned


  1. Hey, don't feel bad. I'll still hang out with you. As Bob Dylan said, "Everybody must get stoned." (so I've heard...ha)

  2. Doug , we love you unconditionally!

  3. Great ... I get up this morning (well, noonish or thereabout) and the first thing that pops into my head is DELETE DELETE! But too late, it had already been read and even by some I wished to have shielded from such a thing. Took me til just now at 7pm to even read Lumina's comment, I was afraid. So, oh well. Not so bad, I guess I'm still loved anyway, but I do have my moments. I'm just sometimes a bit too open about sharing sometimes. By the way, nothing happened later, just talk but it was a fun night. And P.S. -Sorry!

  4. Omg, are you kidding me? And mine scared you? Geez Louise...guess I should be less "subliminal" and share I too have "indulged." Sheesh, didn't everyone in the 70's and 80's?

    Ok, guess I have to pull out my Home With God by Neale Donald Walsh to share a bit that "was for me" as well as Neale, or anyone else who "proclaims" to "channel" enlightening stuff.

    God: Just be careful that this does not create in others the impression that clarity lies outside of them, and that they have to go somewhere else-to you, for instance-for answers. Be careful not to create a situation where others envy you for having found a way to wisdom, for they will then want you to show them THEM the way, and that would be counterproductive, and could even be dangerous.

    Neale: Dangerous?

    God: The day that other people start believing that you have access to answers from God to which they do not, you'll become dangerous. So it's your job to do whatever you can to make sure that the world does not think this of you. You would be well advised to "not let the world make a special case out of you."

    Take whatever measures you think may be required to "de-specialize" yourself. You ARE special, of course. The idea here is to eliminate the thought in anyone else's mind that you are somehow more "special" than them.

    Now, I am forever making a point to say/share that ANYONE can channel, talk to their guides and angels etc...but 7 PM???? Ok, guess I gotta now add...I used to roll a "mean joint" AND YES! The munchies...a bonding experience no? :)

    There..."de-specialized." While I do "claim" to channel angels...I have never and will never claim to "be" one. :) *she says as she gives her son Doug a hug*

  5. That was a fantastic exchange! Even though I have never even thought of myself as special in any way, believe me. Really just stupid sometimes and don't know when to keep my mouth shut, so to speak. And thanks for the hug, and for being an angel whatever you claim. :-)

    This one time back in the late 80s I had the munchies so bad I ate a whole pack of dog jerky treats. See what I mean about not knowing when to shut up??? True, though. I have no shame.

  6. Doug ysrh g i ugd tdfghj fss g ds ffjja78 . HURQPN DRsdfg jjuugjkjt

  7. Dammit, Diane's bogarting the joint again!

  8. Damn! I wish I spoke that code Diane used. Looks juicy! *ha* (or would that be smokey...) :-D

  9. The sad thing is, I'm pretty sure I got the message.


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