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Fuck Viacom

Hey, corporate Viacomic assholes. Save yourselves some time wading through that undoubtedly exhaustive court-mandated turned in YouTube viewer roster.

My log-in ID is "scorpiokc," and my IP address is

And just in case the password might come in handy, too, that would be "lebanon." Hope that helps to track me down. You're welcome.

Of the 5,634 videos I've watched to date, I'm sure I've probably been party to infringement of some copyright or another. So I surrender.

Bring it on, bitches. I'll be here waiting, albeit still watching.
"Google must divulge the viewing habits of every user who has ever watched any video on YouTube, a US court has ruled.

"The ruling comes as part of Google's legal battle with Viacom over allegations of copyright infringement.

"The viewing log, which will be handed to Viacom, contains the log-in ID of users, the computer IP address and video clip details.

"While the legal battle between the two firms is being contested in the US, it is thought the ruling will apply to YouTube users and their viewing habits everywhere."
Does this piss anyone else off besides me? Or maybe just another of my nicotine withdrawal symptoms kicking in. Stupid shit, though.

[UPDATE: That really was my password. Before I came to my senses and realized my own stupidity in giving that out. I can be an idiot sometimes. I've changed it now. The log-in ID and IP address still are good to go, though. Guess that's all they really need anyway.]


  1. I heard about that too. Wow! big brother is all over the place. I made a video using a song, and I was contacted by the artists management. They told me that although It was clearly a violation, the artists liked the video and I could keep it up. I'll e-mail you the name of the artist.

  2. Hell yes, it pisses me off too. It isn't nicotine withdrawals - which habit, by the way, I am thrilled you are out to kick ... much luck with it. I'm outraged not just at this ruling, but by all the incidences where our privacy is being compromised.

  3. I would be more pissed off, but Jesse Helms died today and that is buffering it.

  4. I hadn't heard about this before, so I was outraged really, and that truly was my password! Then realized that was totally stupid, I've changed that part now. The rest of the info still true. What made me really pissed was not the friggin' legal goings on between Google and Viacom, fight it out, y'all. I'd even understand maybe those coming into play, altho I'd disagree, like Rain who posted videos and stuff. But really, the ID of everyone who has ever even so much as viewed a video, along with all their videos of choice? Screw that.

    Thanks, Doug, for the support on the no-smoking thing. Gotta do it.

    To Diane's comment, all I can say is that is that I do agree that Helm's story should have been a buffer, I unfortunately hadn't heard the good news before going overboard in annoyance at this youtube thing first.

  5. Wow...that is just plain freaky scary.

    I here I just recently learned how to make videos. I'd freak if an artist or company contacted me. I'm just a music lover who enjoys her "Speilberg" moments...

  6. It's not even about the videos you make, it's about tracking whatever the heck you've maybe ever watched. That's the most of the ridiculousness really. Be careful in your Spielberg projects, I just might happen to watch, and then we'd both be indicted.

  7. It will be a cold day in hell when I am afraid of lawyers. Screw them.

  8. Diane, a woman after my own heart! Fuck 'em.


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