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DAV to Dick, Fuck Off

The Disabled American Veterans are holding their annual national convention next month at Bally's Hotel in Las Vegas.

Crippled they are, many of course missing body parts lost since World War II up until the current Iraq and Afghanistan debacles.

So they invite speakers, both keynote and some of lesser note. Hardly qualifies as a respectable convention without speakers really.

Veep Dick Cheney made the key list, and RSVP'd to be there!

Yes, he will be glad to speak as per the invitation at 8:30am, no prob.

But only if the vets are sequestered for two hours before his arrival. And then not allowed to leave the room until he's done driveling.

No matter that there are no bathrooms in the meeting room.

Also not to mention that many of the attendees really can't be stuck in any room for so many hours because of health issues.

David Autry, a DAV official said vets would have to get up "at O-dark-30 and try to get breakfast and showered and get their prosthetics on" for the privilege of basking in the presence of the honorable dick.

I guess for some reason it must take the maimed longer to get ready.

Cheney's office confirmed the requests, but insisted he is "sensitive to combat veterans' needs." Sensitivity training might be in order.

Sack of shit. Even his boss Bush doesn't go so far as that.

What does please me about this crackpot story is the part where the veterans decided to actually yank Cheney's invitation altogether!

"Word got back to us ... that this would be a prerequisite," said the veterans group's executive director David Gorman. "We told them it just wasn't acceptable."

TRANSLATION: "Fuck off, asshole." I do love happy endings.


  1. Keith O had the story tonight on countdown. It's truly disgusting the way this administration has treated our military men and women.

  2. I missed most of Keith tonight and apparently missed this part. I'll have to go see if I can search out the video on msnbc.

  3. Glad SOMEBODY said it, freakin' war criminal and selfish bastard.

  4. Just looking at the guy disgusts me, such an obviously arrogant bastard. I do hope that karma comes back to kick him and his fellow war criminals in the ass. God knows we pussy Dems aren't doing anything about it.


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