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Jeong-Hyun Lim, Who Knew?

I suppose I'm not actually quite so hip to all the latest rages as I had fancied myself to be. Jeong-Hyun Lim (aka "funtwo") has apparently been quite the YouTube sensation for some time already, and me completely oblivious to the whole thing until now.

Better late than never, this South Korean dude is fantastic!

He's been interviewed by the New York Times and Reuters, covered on CNN, 20/20 and NPR. No doubt just the tip of the iceberg there.

Like I said, I'm really late to this show by at least a couple of years.

According to WikiGuitarist, his intention in posting his first video was simply to get peer feedback to improve his guitar playing skills.

Until his fame (which he says is embarrassing), who knew his face? Always hidden in his videos. When the NYT asked him why come:
"Main purpose of my recording is to hear the other’s suggestions about my playing. I think play is more significant than appearance. Therefore I want the others to focus on my fingering and sound. Furthermore I know I’m not that handsome."
I just thought that last line was endearing for some reason.

Anyway, below is not the original video that ignited all the hoopla. That would have been Johann Pachelbel's Canon. Check it out.

However, I am a big fan of Antonio Vivaldi's stuff and this later video from Lim playing the third movement of the second of Tony's ever-popular The Four Seasons concertos I find especially impressive!

Lim Playing With Himself


  1. And true really. But being a musician myself his talent alone makes him attractive to me anyway. I agree that line was cute, even if he maybe not so much. I watched a couple of interviews with him, he seems very shy.

  2. He is amazing! Someone sent me the youtube months ago. I was blown away! I love the way he hides his face..don't know why...guess it, like he says...makes it all about the music and nothing else.

    He also sounds like a sweetie. :)

  3. A very talented sweetie! I'd play with him. Yep, that, too.


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