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Quasi-Supernal Hooey

I don't know what's up with me the last couple of days, but I have gotten really indifferent about political goings-on and headline news in general.

Instead I've been just perfectly laid back about most everything that normally would get me riled up, and I must say I am rather enjoying the reprieve. It's not that I'm unaware of the news, I check out those tabs across my homepage, but just a glance enough to know whatever and then... meh.

I'll lose all of this mellow before too much longer, I know, but for now I am mostly blah about piddly affairs, other than what truly matters going on just around me; the sort of thing that usually annoys the hell out of me when others are that way, not giving a hoot. It's not exactly true saying that I don't give a hoot, though, it's just a different one in tone, considering that my discernment of what goes on "just around me" is existentially everything, really.

I think it's the weather, along with where I'm at with virtually nobody around. For instance, it hit 80-degrees today and I sat outside quite a bit just watching the planet do its thing. I did that a lot yesterday, too. One forgets being cooped up for so long how overwhelming is nature; it's incredibly astounding, that's what it is. Being removed from even the nearest small town by several miles, with only hills and trees and assorted wildlife, persons-free, is pretty cool.

It certainly shifts things into a proper perspective, if you consider it. I look to the east and can see pretty far, and the reality whacks me in the head, the literalness of continuing farther than the hill there onward, disregarding arbitrary boundaries, the actuality of the whole schmear we feel distanced from, the atrocities and the carnage of wars and the disenfranchised and suffering are all, not figuratively, just over that hill. The genuine truth of that directly struck me.

Thinking too that if, as rumor has it, the world is indeed round, then in fact whichever way one points to, it all still manages to be the same, over the hill there somewhere. What is behind me is also ahead of me, really. I've been pretty awed the past couple of days contemplating the vastness and yet the relative smallness of the planet, and the occasions of so many messes we the citizens hanging on here have made.

I can't clearly express myself how it is I feel, what has clicked inside my head, has affected me. That much is by all means obvious, I can tell from just skimming back through this spouting off here. And it's not really inside my head that something has been switched on, either, it's much deeper than that, a more spiritual perception of the completeness, the wholeness and connectedness of all that is this planet Earth, our world, and the relationship of our human race with the planet and with each other and so much FUBAR random shambles that plainly should not and would not be, if only.

I ramble, an unquestionably unedited stream of consciousness is all this is, and not a very repressed stream by any means. I ought not post it, but I will anyway, because it is what it is, and it is my blog after all, so what the hell? It strikes me as odd, though, how envisioning so much badness in the context of ostensibly being within walking distance, doesn't make me even more huffy, rather than mellowed-out about everything. I would think it should have the opposite effect. It doesn't, though, not for right now anyway. I don't know why.

Maybe for the time being, this indescribable flash of awareness I'm experiencing is just wonderment to me, is all. Nothing here I didn't already factually know, of course, but this transcendence of the habituated world-oneness rhetoric lucidly brought home, I suppose, is still sinking in. When sunk, I could even go overboard being aggravated about the way of things, I suppose, but I doubt that will happen. I figure most likely this quasi-supernal hooey shall pass on in a day or so, and I'll just go back to my normal degree of bother and snark, griping about stuff. At least I might appreciate a broader view.


  1. I live in my own little world most of the time. Not the crazy, imaginary one, but my real little home, my immediate family, my back yard. It's only been in the last few years that my thoughts and concerns have begun to venture out to my city, state, country, global community...and I have to say, it messes with my head.

  2. Don't let this go to your head, but I found this post very Whitmanesque. Very wordy and very good. We all need to have our own little personal paradise. I find mine when I'm alone on the bike trail or when I'm alone in my car listening to my favorite tunes; tunes are essential to me, that's why I'm always hitting certain friends up to send them to me. I also find that peace and tranquility late at night watching an old movie with a hot cup of tea and my hubby by my side.
    It sounds so lovely and peaceful where you are. I'm so jealous about your 80 degree weather. Towards the end of the week here in NY it's going to be in the 70's.

  3. Nothing wrong with your own little world. No less relevant, part of the bit picture and vast scheme of things, too. I thought I had come to live outside my own little world some time ago, along with mine, but apparently not so much as I had thought after all. Kinda got trippy on the whole thing lately, and yes, it messes with one's head. Groovy, though.


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