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Sarah Palin In A Wingnutshell

[I cheated here. Writer's block, so I confess that I did not write a word of this, all bits and pieces copied and pasted together. Credit duly given to some other American thinkers instead; a mashup of thoughts from many of them into one post on the awesomeness of Sarah Palin. I just mixed it all together.]

The Liberal Socialists hate Sarah Palin because she is a true beauty! Not all scrunched-up ugly like angry Liberal Socialist women tend to be. A good slap upside the head is what the "intellectual elites" truly need.

Truth be told they need to be smacked around physically as much as they do mentally. The Left is having a conniption because she is the galvanizing leader of an aroused majority. Sarah Palin's brain is our brain.

Maybe, what the spoiled, arrogant, leftist, elitists envy the most is that Sarah is a good mom. She is to be admired for having launched and won political campaigns while raising a family including birthing children.

She is a mom, who refused an abortion. Just look at the way she dotes on her beloved Trig. Sarah didn't attend Harvard, but she sure didn't flunk her Trig. Yes, she does love Trig, carries him everywhere, he is everywhere with her. I could watch Piper slicking down his hair over and over.

Sarah is reliable. There is nothing more important than reliability. If I were in a fight for my life or my childrens' lives please give me Sarah Palin any day over Barack Obama. She has passion of conviction and can quickly decide who the enemy is and load and shoot accurately.

[Only thing any of them left out so I couldn't paste it in, she also knows satire.]


  1. LOL. Reading that gave me a few chuckles. It also reminded meof how I am SO GLAD American chose Pres. Obama and VP Biden to head the country. Whew!

  2. Interesting solution to writer's block. You know it really is true that some people will believe almost anything. Palin's defenders are certainly an audacious bunch.

  3. There's another forum that I visit from time to time; and the first comment under each post regardless of subject always says: Damn! that's all I got to say about that!"
    That's pretty much my feelings on this Palin post.

  4. Kind of audacious of me to put it all together like that, probably. That bunch sort of scares me.

  5. My own comment on this, my favorite part (made me laugh) was the lady who used the line "I could watch Piper slicking down his hair over and over." I don't know why that struck me so funny. I think she probably has lots of cats.

  6. Remind me again why it was supporters of Obama who were accused of "drinking the koolaid" or called Obama-zombies? Don't get me wrong, I understand supporting someone but it just seems odd that people who support Obama are called those names but people who fawn over Palin aren't.

    Oh who am I kidding. These are the same people that said and did NOTHING when Bush grew the government and ran the country into debt yet as soon as Obama was elected President they were wailing about deficits and taxes.
    And NOW they decide to march and throw tea parties. Give me an effin break.

  7. I was called an Obot once when someone linked to something I wrote here, I like that better than Obama-zombie I think. That was a name I hadn't heard before. Amen to an effin break.


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