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No Matter How Long the Winter

I have a really bad case of Spring Fever this year, which has only gotten worse over the past couple of days as the temperatures have pushed on into the 50s. Today we actually broke the 60-degree barrier for March which, to me, always means the official start of the season; I make up my own criteria.

We'll probably have more snow to come, but this far toward the end of winter I won't mind so much. I had all windows opened this afternoon, it was incredible. Sure, everything is still brownish and dead and ugly, but birds are back in the branches, which is nice. I've also been hearing more from the coyotes during daylight hours than I had for awhile, I'm guessing they don't want to miss out.

This is literally the first day that every evidence of snow is gone away after... jeebus, I'm not sure, but months of the stuff it seems. So yay for today! Once things start to green up I very well might need meds to calm myself, I am for real that excited about it turning into spring.

Notwithstanding the brownness of everything, I couldn't help but take some pictures anyway. I had the camera with me literally all day. For example, here's a fun fact: this one was taken from just alongside the front porch whilst I was relieving myself. I managed to capture Roy's backside in it, too, but I wasn't really paying so close attention, what with being one-handed and all.

It's a throw-away to be sure, but I like it anyhow, a commemorative photograph of this my first day of spring, 2010. Plus, if I look at it sort of squinty-like, I can envision it already green and leafy and without a dog butt stuck in the middle. There's an allegory of my life in there somewhere, but I choose to not go there for now. Anyway, here's to spring, and happy happy everyone!


  1. Great view - dog butt notwithstanding - which I'm sure will only improve with the greening of spring. I'm certain your woodland friends in there will be quite glad to see spring also.

  2. D-Ro,
    I long for the warm weather. For the first time this year I heard the Mourning Doves singing outside my window, which means spring is on the way. We also have more daylight too.

  3. I always thought it was "morning" doves! "Mourning" is so sad, but at least if they're still singing..

  4. I have already made a new 'possum friend for this year, so much for them playing their role being dead. Either this one is just very friendly, or maybe rabid, I don't know yet, but certainly seems to enjoy sunning in the warmer weather.

  5. I know my birds . LOL!


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