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Anal Sex How-to (!) is why Gay Marriage is Wrong (?)

I find a lot of things funny, but I don't usually really laugh about them; even my online LOLs are fake more often than not, I'll admit. But honestly, who can possibly resist, at the very least, to giggle here?
"We're talking about taking the penis of one man and putting it into the rectum of another man and wiggling it around in excrement. And you have to think, I'm not sure, would I allow that to be done to me?"
LOL, and I really do mean it this time, even the "OL" part. I'm not sure it would be quite as funny without the video to go along with that, so I am posting it below just in case. You've probably seen it already.

It seems to have gone viral, this video of New Hampshire's state representative Nancy Elliott explaining anal sex to the dimwitted ones in session there with her, arguing for why the state's same-sex marriage law should be repealed, five weeks after its passing.

It's hardly worth mentioning that she is Republican, I suppose, but consider it duly noted nonetheless; also that she is a flake.


A couple of things really chap my ass about this, notwithstanding that I find it hilarious. Aside from her detailing how-to the anal thing, she also backed up her stance against gay marriage with this:
"I heard yesterday from a mother that in fifth grade in Nashua, they were given as part of their classroom instruction naked pictures of two men showing a presentation of anal sex...

"Because we have made a marriage of same sex, they are now teaching it in public school. They are showing our fifth-graders how they can actually perform this kind of sex and they are condoning, they are saying this is normal and this is something that you may want to try."
Methinks someone's imagination has clearly run amok here, because that never happened... I'm pretty sure of it.

And to think, this woman, with whatever wild hair up her ass about anal sex, was actually elected, by real people, to represent. Nancy in da House! I would hope that her constituents are pretty embarrassed about that now, looking back. Disturbing to consider if they are not.

But anyway, what the hell does wherever a man "wiggles around" his penis have to do with marriage exactly? I don't think anything, really. I even know some straight, married lady friends who sometimes... well, maybe too much information, but I'll just say that so far as I know, no one is saying they can't stay married.

Be that as it may, if that should pass muster as an arguable reason to repeal gay marriage, is it safe to assume then that the lesbians of New Hampshire get a free pass, and only the boys might have to break up? I don't think Ms. Elliott thought that one all the way through, figuring out wherever and whatever the girls are wiggling instead, to assert why that they shouldn't be together either.

In the end, despite her persuasive in-depth talking points, the committee rejected repealing the law and upheld the right for the gays to get married after all. Of course that's a good thing, I'm glad for it, but it still dumbfounds me how an elected official, someone in her position, could truly be so dumbass, so utterly illogical in making their case about an issue as she was about this.

It's aggravating and discouraging, that people like Nancy Elliott can run for office and sure enough get elected. On the bright side, it did provide some comic relief in an otherwise not so funny situation. I've watched that video of her several times now, and it still does makes me laugh, out loud.


  1. Ms. Ellliott should do some research. She has, obviously, been doing "it" all wrong.

  2. It is my observation that most people lack critical thinking skills. So emotionally charged rhetoric is a potent force that can stop logic dead in its tracks. Conservatives are masters at exploiting this shortcoming.

  3. "I heard yesterday from a mother that in fifth grade in Nashua, they were given as part of their classroom instruction naked pictures of two men showing a presentation of anal sex..."

    Oh come on Doug. You don't remember when you were in 5th grade and your teacher showed you pictures of two men having anal sex? I do! And it happened every single day! And just because I said it, it must be true!!!!

    Ya know, I really think that Rep. Elliot should be required to provide proof of that outrageous claim. That's just straight up B.S. But what's sad is there are people that will take her at her word and believe this. Like you said, no rational, critical thinking skills needed; if someone said it, by golly it's true, nevermind how IF it did it would be blasted on the news daily.

    Scare tactics. Oh and someone needs to tell Elliot that men and women have anal sex. I also heard someone say someone say that their 5th grader was shown pictures in class of it. OMG, BAN HETEROSEXUAL MARRIAGE!!!!

  4. I saw Sue Johansen (not sure how name spelled) on some talk show and LOL, found her hysterical. Then surfed into her on late TV one night and Holy Butt Swirl! I learned a lot! At 50, I learned a lot. gays.str8s, bis, all asking questions. There is sooo much one can, er, do! I wish school HAD taught me some of that and most of her callers were way younger than 50. I must say, for me, part of the fun is thinking I've discovered something new! Clearly that representative is off her vibrating rocker! Somebody watching South Park has been whispering in her ear. LOL (and I mean it), humans of both sexes can do all the same things just need different tools (it is not yet 8am in Seattle) toys, whatever. And yeah, always interesting how lesbians always get a pass. We must be imagined to just lay around and pet our cats or visit hardware stores. All so silly, pointless and stupid to discuss sex lives at a council mtg. Reminds me of justices having to watch hours of porn---what a waste of our taxes and just feels icky. Age old question: "What do they DO?" hahahahahaha

  5. "It's aggravating and discouraging, that people like Nancy Elliott can run for office and sure enough get elected. "

    Agreed and what's that saying "he/she who protests the loudest"...

  6. or possibly she's had no takers, that's my guess.

  7. When I was in 5th grade the only pictures of man on man sex were in my own head, it actually might have been helpful at that age to have someone explain it to me better. :-)

  8. "always interesting how lesbians always get a pass. We must be imagined to just lay around and pet our cats"
    LOL... well that's one way to put it. :)

  9. Yeppers, she's a backdoor wannabe I'm pretty sure. She practically said so... "hmmm, let me think about that..." her own words.

  10. Well it's too bad you did not go to Elliot's imaginary friend in Nashua's school; apparently they were giving instructions in class.

  11. Apparently Elliot was asked to substantiate her claim and was unable to do so. Surprise.

  12. "NASHUA - A city alderman will seek for state Rep. Nancy Elliott to be removed from office unless she recants her claim that Nashua fifth-graders are being taught about gay sex or presents evidence to support it.
    [b]"Either turn in the name of the 'mother' whose child was subjected to this alleged display of pornography to the Nashua Police Department, as required by law to protect the children, or recant and apologize publicly," Ward 3 Alderman Diane Sheehan wrote in an e-mail she sent to Elliott on Sunday afternoon.[/b]

    [b]"If neither of those two actions take place in the next 48 hours, I will begin exploring action to prosecute for false statement, and your removal from office," Sheehan wrote."[/b]

    UPDATE: "Rep. Elliott admitted today that she cannot back up her scurrilous allegations against Nashua public school teachers."


  13. You've kind of got to feel sorry for her. Not really. But I'll bet after this third term, she won't be back for a fourth.


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