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Super Annoyed

As if being subjected to last night's commercial inanity wasn't enough of an affront to intelligence, apparently non-stop analysis and commentary about it have been the order of the day for today.

Of course, here I am tossing out my own two cents about those Super Bowl ads as well, so I suppose I'm really no better than that lot, those blathering on about it all day long.

Once again, stuffed in betwixt every other play throughout last night's game were the overly-costed and overly-hyped glorified plugs that happen at every Super Bowl, promoted as some sort of must-see, can't-miss bestest commercials ever. And they all sucked, the very worst kind of suck.

The advertisers try way too hard to impress, and in doing so come up way too short of expectations, or at least what I would expect from all the hoopla anyway. Granted, most commercials the rest of the year aren't anything to brag about, either, to be sure, but those just sort of happen here and there over time, which doesn't seem quite so unbearable.

But with so much bungled pitching crammed into so short of a time, particularly given all of the beforehand buzz, it gets on my nerves, that's all. Seems to me that there should be some ad execs' heads rolling somewhere, but from what I listened to today, the doofuses apparently for the most part get a collective thumbs up from the general viewing public.

Which is rather disturbing. I mean, I'm certainly no ad spot highbrow; I will freely confess to liking stupid shit as much as the next idiot, and find funny more of it than I probably should. I'm pretty immature, really, but for some reason these Super Bowl ads totally get under my skin, and calls into question the smarts of those who think different from me.

Probably it's that I really just want to watch the game, that's why I tune in. After all, it is my last fix of the season, a match-up of presumably the best two teams left standing, and instead I'm stuck watching four hours of dumbass commercial crap waiting for an occasional regular programming interruption, to get updated about what is going on game-wise.

Also I tend to wake up in a bad mood the next day, after my team loses. Makes me grumpy. If the Colts had won, I probably wouldn't be griping so much about the rest of everything; at least then the evening wouldn't have been such a total waste of time. But they didn't, it was, and so I bitch... I know, I really should probably just get a life instead. I'm done now.


  1. I wasn't impressed with any of the commercials either. I think everyone was trying to hard. I watched a few minutes of the Halftime show and turned the channel.

  2. nothing against old people, but seriously, the who? nothing really was to my liking i suppose.


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