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CPAC Fun and Surprises

Hey, it's CPAC 2010 today... and tomorrow and the next day after that. Three full days of Conservative Political Action Conference kerfuffle, mostly talking over how to save freedom from or for or on this or that or the other; the usual docket with the usual suspects present and accounted for.

There is this one thing even curiouser than the rest from today's agenda, a puzzlement, really: Getting Started in Hollywood, a session covering the "ins and outs of getting a career started in the world of film, TV and theater". I don't understand why. [Never mind, I found out that one of the guys for this is from a company, Big Hollywood, "for those who think something has gone drastically wrong and that Hollywood should return to its patriotic roots". Who knew such roots?]

Anyway, stunning the red team today, this morning's surprise appearance by the big dick Cheney himself, smirking and chattering on for a bit about something that I don't give a shit. Some neocon retard in the audience yammering about "four more years"... a pretty stupid thing to wish for, all things considered, but, yeah, so there you have that.

And of course (because I learned a new word here I must use it), the leitmotif of Obama and the teleprompter, from one after another after another wingnut cretin. All the while standing in front of a lectern and looking at a teleprompter. Doh!

Props, though, to Dick Armey, who at least pointed it out, "By the way, what are these things? I always thought if you knew what you were talking about and had something in your heart to say, you didn’t need them." Have to give the guy credit for mentioning that, however obvious.

Some other guy I don't know, Jason Mattera, tried to be black, asking can we save our generation from Obama zombies? He answered himself by borrowing the president’s campaign slogan, "Yes my brothahs and sistahs, yes we can!" You betcha.

I don't know how these nutbars will manage another two days, though, especially with virtually no winding-down time. Day one's festivities are planned to end rather raucously, scheduled to start late tonight the XPAC Rap/Jam Session: "live music and special performances by Rappers." With a capital "R".

On the ticket for Rapping up the evening events, the Young Cons: two button-down, right-winger, Jesus-MLK-Reagan-fixated white boys with gangstatude, Stiltz and Serious C, repin' the Northeast.

It might seem like a put-on really, which would actually be a fitting way to finish off the joke that was Day One, but believe it or not, this is straight up f'real, yo. And on it goes; can hardly wait until tomorrow.

"Yo this ones for all the young conservatives. Yo... one time... I rep the Northeast and I’m still a young con, Let your voice release, you don't have to be Obamatrons."


  1. YIKES! I'm surprised that room didn't explode with all the hate. And Cheney coming up from underground to make an appearance. He really is rotten to the core. I thought once he left once we would never have to see his mug on TV again.,.. what a despicable human being. I hope that the DOJ will go after him with everything they have. The arrogance of him to admit that he was in favor of torture.. he's like some kind of criminal bragging about a crime he got away with. Sorry for the rant, but he really does make me want to use words I never thought I'd use.

  2. You can use them here, I won't tell. Why he's still relevant to these people, I don't know.

  3. MSM likes him becuase he brings the evil. You'd think he hang his head in shame, but he's proud of the damage that he's done.


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