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Turnabout Hatin' on Presidents Day

I hate this guy, Pastor Steven Anderson. I know what you're thinking, that I mean I don't like what he stands for. No, I hate the person. And I don't mean I just don't like his beliefs, either. I mean I really hate him and his dissing the president.

Like it says in the Bible about guys like him, I hope he dies soon and his wife get left alone so that his kids have to beg and dig through trash just to live. Plain and simple, I hope he dies and goes straight to Hell.

Here's my personal prayer about it: "Dear God, break his teeth in his mouth so that he melts like a snail and dies like a partially-birthed baby." Or something like that anyway.

So what it doesn't make much sense, you get the gist. Like I said, I hate the man. Not that I would want somebody to do anything to him, mind you; that would make him seem a martyr and Lord knows we don't need that!

Maybe he could die from natural causes instead, that would be all right. I would like to see him die of something like brain cancer; yeah, brain cancer, that's the ticket.

Okay, to be honest, I really don't hate the guy all that much, really, even though he is a douche, and he does annoy me an awful lot. I just figured why not take a page from his book to say so, seeing how turnabout is fair play and all.

Lunatic rant spurred by John Avlon's article in today's The Daily Beast, Praying for Obama's Death:
[D]eranged hatemonger who preaches at the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona: Steven L. Anderson.

"I hate Barack Obama. You say, well, you just mean you don’t like what he stands for. No, I hate the person. Oh, you mean you just don’t like his policies. No, I hate him... I am not going to pray for his good. I am going to pray that he dies and goes to Hell."

Here endeth the lesson on a Sunday last summer when Anderson offered a straight to the point sermon titled "Why I Hate Obama." He even gave parishioners a view into his own private Obama prayer:

"Break his teeth, oh God, in his mouth, as a snail which melteth, let him pass away, like an untimely birth of a woman — that he thinks — he calls it a woman’s right to choose, you know, he thinks it’s so wonderful, he ought to be aborted. It ought to be, 'Abort Obama,' that ought to be the motto."

When Anderson was interviewed by the local Phoenix Fox affiliate about his imprecatory prayers, he denied he was calling for violence.

"If you want to know how I’d like to see Obama die, I’d like him to die of natural causes," said Anderson. "I don’t want him to be a martyr, we don’t need another holiday. I’d like to see him die, like Ted Kennedy, of brain cancer."


  1. The sad thing is that Pastor Anderson is being totally biblical here. His language is like that of the prayers found in the Psalms. What I call "pop theology" teaches that God is this warm-hearted God of love. The Bible, however, teaches that God's love is only for the elect (and he often is quite rough on them). Everyone else can go to Hell.

    I made the effort to listen to a recording of Anderson's sermon. I gave up a few minutes in. His religion is my heresy. And I assure you, he has more fellow travelers than you can imagine. I know some personally.

  2. This P.O.S resides in my state. Infact, it was one of his "church"goers that attended a rally here carrying a gun.

    I will just say this; I strongly believe in karma.

  3. Oh D-ro,
    He's just another clown and should not be taken seriously. What's more disturbing than his message; is the fact that folks actually buy into it...those are the people we should fear. You know the ones who will stand outside an abortion clinic and gun-down a doctor. Or open fire on police officers, because they think Obama is going to take their guns.

  4. I can only listen to so much of him out loud, myself. Sure his language is straight out of the Bible, as is the "pop theologists'". Each group is pretty great at picking and choosing, never explaining the rest. Which is fine, I suppose. People like this guy and his sort, though, and I'm sure there are more than I'm even aware, crossing a line into radical, extremist rhetoric are kind of scary. Yikes.

  5. Stacee - apparently the gun-toting is par for the course with him and his congregants, from what I read. Good luck down there, until karma comes along.

  6. I don't know, I try not to think about how many followers he has, he's kind of scary enough on his own if you listen to any of his screaming "sermons" ... he almost makes Fred Phelps sound calmed down! Anderson's God, Gays and Guns trifecta as the article calls it pretty much sums up his rants.

  7. I had to hear a screamin preacher a few times---only people who are deaf or used to being screamed at can tolerate such a sermon. He says what they think in the dark, and thus he makes them feel sane and logical. No nut likes to be alone in the bowl. (First one the nutcracker gets!)

  8. There's a nutcracker joke there somewhere, but I cringe trying to think of it so I'll let that one go.

  9. And now we have a birther running to unseat John McCain. Not that I have much love for McCain but JD Hayworth is a real nutjob. Ahh well, watching them slug it out while McCain scrambles further to the right should at least be entertaining

    Thanks for the well wishes. We'll need it here.


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