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Baby, It's Cold Inside

Right now it's about 4 degrees here, windy and the feel-like temp down already to minus 15, and it's only just after 10pm. Predicted to dip to around zero or below later on with wind chills down in the negative 25 degree ballpark.

Tomorrow only if we're lucky up to about 8 degrees plus, but windier even so that during the day that we'll be having zero minus 35 degrees the chill factor in the afternoon. Finally then, tomorrow night colder still with negative actual temps and feeling like some number I can't count so low.

Have I mentioned, this of all years so cold and I have no heat in my house? I swear to God, if not for Mom bringing out a couple of space heaters I'd be already stock-still hardened over from head to toe! Lifesavers those are, the space heaters.

Not the really fancy shmancy kinds that actually could heat up an entire room, nothing like that. Rather the sort that you have to literally toe up to and hunker over until your kneecaps catch fire while your ears still go numb out of range.

And taking caution to not sway left nor right outside of the narrow hot zone, lest something might flash-freeze and snap off. Okay I'm not grumbling, I am beyond measure thankful to have any heat at all! But hell, I can see my breath indoors right now even and I also just finished etching my initials into the ice on the kitchen window ... from the inside.

I don't understand why I do things like that, but I was there, it was there and all frosty and glittery, so things kind of sort of just happened. I do weird shit sometimes, usually bored and easily entertained. Pathetic me, I know.

I actually had originally headed into the kitchen only to grab a bottle of water left on the countertop, but guess what? Iced over it was. Bottom line it is cold beyond belief outside and also inside here at my house tonight, and I just wanted to bitch about it, so there.

Everything touched out of that 2' X 2' comfort range from the Holmes' 1500 watts of temperate clemency you'd swear was brought straight out of the freezer. Actually it's probably warmer inside there than outside here, truth be told.

So hey, if it's cold too wherever you are and you are bemoaning those occassional shivers and shudders? Keep your trap shut already and quit your whining, just think of me as the example you always hear tell about, that other someone worse off than yourself. That would be me, the frozen one.

My mom rocks so much more than yours. She is awesome. Mostly not even for lugging out here over too many miles those space heaters (granted, potentially hazardous conflagratory devices, I'll take my chances) but in particular for the extremely appreciated electric blanket she brung with, too! If no where else in my house, it is all good under the covers anyway, you know what I mean.

And given the forecast here, I'll probably be hibernating there for the next 36 hours or thereabout, dual controls both set on high. (Of course, I don't necessarily need the dual settings option, being all lonesome myself, but nonetheless just in case some frozen desperate cutie fellow other loser might possibly show up to cuddle alongside, a Christmas miracle or some such thing ... shut up, it could happen.)

Back to me being all nipply up top and shriveled down below ... bottom line is about how you all should be counting your blessings, folks, because things could be a lot worse, you could be me. That's not such a bad mantra worth remembering almost any day, whatever the weather, year-round, the being glad you're not me affirmation.

"There but for the grace of God go I ...". Doug, of course, being that lowest common denominator for comparing whatever your bad to being more worse off. You're welcome, and glad to be that undermost precedent helping you through the bad times.

Stay warm, and no bitching if you too are suffering through this arctic blast taking over nearly everywhere it seems. It may be cold, but I'd bet dollars to donuts that you can't carve out your name on any window from the inside at your house. So just bundle up, try to enjoy yourselves, and hope you all have a great weekend!
Cry Of Love - Too Cold In The Winter


  1. I won't bitch you out on your blog, I'll do it in an e-mail. I do it out of love.

  2. I have strange sleeping habits. In the winter I turn off the heat when I go to bed, bundle up, and turn on the fan.

    I have nothing to offer but plain common sense. When someone is down and out the last thing they want to hear is that. So...I got nothin'

  3. Dudes, I wasn't whining, just getting so tired of hearing over and over and over everyone talking about how "brutal" the weather and how "bitterly cold" and everyone else whining sitting in a warm studio going home to central heat the only time exposed to the elements are from front door to car door to work and back again. Maybe the unfortunately for a two-minute segment on camera bundled up pointing out how unbearable, they have no idea. Actually that was my point, is to shut up bitching about it because none of these talking heads know shit what it's like, and if I'm okay, they should be, too. I'm no complainer, just to make that clear, I just talk too much apparently.

  4. It's dudette's to you, buster. :-)

  5. Well, I for one sure needed that "bitch slap." :)

    We are such wooses (sp?) here in California. I am "freezing" in the house when the outside "lows" are said to be 35? I have buds in Canada and one in Alaska who report cold like yours, and I tell you, every year I "take off my hat" to them (Ok, not really cause I am TOO COLD...but I tell them I do...) :) for being able to handle it.

    "Don't hate me cause I'm" Californian. I have lived here all of my 51 years and know for sure I would end up in a ball, in a corner, bawling my eyes out in one of "yous guyses" winters.

    Oh, and you Mom is the sweetest! Electric blanket too! Now that's a "Mommy." :)


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