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Kindergarten Trivia, Another Lame Ass Post

I hate when clicked pictures on blogs by default are set to link to the image source. I myself always dig down to tweak the HTML code so that the pics I upload here are non-clickable. If I wished to exhibit a collection of random images, I'd set up an album on flickr or some such. Personal pet peeve of mine, that irksome template coding.

But hey, this time do feel free to go ahead and click the picture, though it bugs me that I still had to recode the thing to open up a new window (or tab depending on whatever one's browser settings.)

You really must see this full-sized for reference purposes, my 1968 Kindergarten class yearbook picture page! Having faces to put with the inside scoop of what I recall about my fellow kindy gardeners ... I'm quite sure this will be most captivating for everyone. Just bored today is all, "breaking news" burnout here. Give me a break.

Mrs. Keith - Always wore plaid it seemed, orange and brown variety.

David Betzel - Grew up to become an undertaker, seemed normal enough at the time and throughout later school years, though.

Sally Combs - My first girlfriend, lived in a duplex near my house, I walked her home once and we shared apple juice.

Deanna Diehl - Her mom was weird and creeped me out, I was invited to her house one time and never again went back.

Ty Dunning - Not the brightest crayon in the box, but nice.

William Eggleston - Fattest kid in every class all throughout elementary school, he had no neck.

Duane Espe - Two front teeth fused together somehow, I used to go to his house to listen to KISS and Queen albums.

Mike Gilkison - Our birthdays the same month, went to his place in 5th grade to bake cookies for class, I tripped on the porch bringing them home crushing the whole batch.

Eddie Hale - From up the road, our families were friendly, played duck-duck-goose just to poke fun at his little sister simply running circles about the yard, she didn't understand the game really.

Mike Lance - House just across the street, he flunked kindergarten.

Tim Rahija - Disproportionate huge ass for the rest of his body, the high-waisted pants certainly didn't help to disguise, walked funny.

Pam Roberts - I think she was retarded, she ate glue and also flunked out kindergarten along with Mike L.

Douglas Robertson - Always afraid the bus might leave without him, his mom didn't understand a rest mat and instead sent him to school with an embarrassing (not so restful) braided rag rug.

Keith Sawyer - Had the best rest mat of the class, show-off.

Anita Spehar - Prim, proper, girly girl, boring, unmemorable.

Tim Taylor - Hell, was this kid even in my class?

Rodney Wilson - Another neighbor, burned his house to the ground later on siphoning gas next to the water heater, had the biggest wang in 7th grade gym class, his name Rod appropriate indeed.


  1. how delicious are you????

  2. 1968 was the one cute year out of all of 46. Sad really.

  3. LOL! Love the class pic and the little stories about the kids. You sure were cute! Other than my two BFF Nicole and Mary Beth, Kenny is the only one I remember. He was my third grade crush. He had big brown eyes and smelled liked Ivory soap.

  4. Omg Doug! Love the pic AND greatest post ever! You are so naturally hilarious!

  5. Hey, Lumina. I've been in reminiscent mood lately, weird the stuff I do remember ain't it? I think it's because I'm getting old now but my mind never has grown up, been spending time with the yearbooks.

  6. Glad I'm not th only one who remembers every kid in my class. Didn't have a kindergarten pic, but posted 4th grade Nov. 2007; just talkng about Homer from first week in school, vaccine shot, he was first in line, skinny little guy w/BIG head--SCREAMED bloody murder and freaked all the rest in line. hahahaha I was like, "I have to spend HOW many years with these freaks??" How 'bout a prom shot, Doug?

  7. "Snowy Gay" Now who wrote that I wonder?

  8. About "Rodney Wilson - Another neighbor, burned his house to the ground later on siphoning gas next to the water heater" You should have been around years later when he was in the Wy. Co. Jail for a variety of charges and serving time. I remember getting called in off the street one morning to take him to a court hearing. Amazing to see what happens to people over the years. So, aside from all that, got out of that gig in '94, worked for the State at KSSB, been working IT and recently obtained A&P license and working on aircraft, criusin' on the Harley and enjoying life. What have you been up to all these years? One thing though, the comment about the big ass??? Where did you get that at? I about fell out of the chair laughing when I read that.


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