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Just Shut Up Already

Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, John Legend,, Beyonce, Pussycat Dolls, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, T.I., Rascal Flatts, Lady GaGa, Alicia Keys. Finally my aunt and my grandmother, shut up.

Yeah, they all annoy me for one reason or another, sometimes for no reason I can put my finger on really, and there are so many more names but this handful of persons comes to mind straightaway.

Maybe I'm just cranky, it is after all only about twenty degrees here with a wind chill around tenish or so right now and still early overnight, and having no heat, I'm feeling somewhat less than warm-hearted (or for that matter any other warm parts) right now.

I guess this sampling of irritant persons is called up right off the bat because each has at some point over the past couple of days been in my face somewhere somehow grating on what I think to be my last good nerve. Then the next one comes along and finds yet another leftover raw nerve.

(Why no politicians nor right-wing pundits made the list, I can't explain, other than confessing that I somehow am pleasured beholding such folks making asses of themselves. My name is Doug and I'm a political and fundie fool junkie, they amuse me.)

Anyway ... mostly the end of my brainstormed roster is what makes me truly want to break things, because those last two on the list, the auntie and the granny, I can't just simply mute or switch off what with they being family and all. I got cards and letters a couple of weeks ago for my birthday from the both of them.

I finally opened them up this evening. Clearly their mother-daughter chats about me, the aberrant grandson and nephew, are a hot topic. My grandma even confessed she had totally forgotten about my birthday, until my aunt mentioned to her about sending me a card reminding her to dash out and buy a card, too.

Not that I don't have respect for their most differing opinions from mine about just about anything and everything, and to the two of them, "Groove on, ladies, with your prayers and whatever goings on for my soul's salvation." Chiefly about me being gay and stuff.

Really, though, I think they should both maybe pay a bit more attention to their own business, but neither having much of any probably lends itself to nosing into mine. I would really prefer that to end. My soul is fine, God and myself seem to be getting along perfectly dandy in fact and there really is no reason for such worry.

So, as much as I appreciate the birthday wishes, they might have just stopped there. Rather than going on about praying and trusting that I have given my heart to Jesus Christ, because as much as He loved me 46 years ago as a new bundle of joy He still does even after all this time. Or that how God is still on the Throne and knows all, and I'd best not leave The Lord out of my life particularly now that the new Obama administration is putting a rush on the end times.

Then a diatribe about how we should never (CAPS here, even) have been part of the United Nations, and what an ungodly mess we've gotten ourselves into leading up to the One World government which the Bible foretold. God will definitely now be ruled out with President Obama, bad times ahead as we get nearer the end of this world.

Of course, they know that I'm gay, the major factor in and of itself made clear enough will secure my eternal damnation unless I straighten up my act. Also me being a Democrat, apparently needing to ask further forgiveness being one to have helped usher in the final days with my vote, not to mention that I also have tattoos which are in some such way a Satanic brand of sorts. I don't know how exactly, but that's what they told me after I got my first one.

No wonder their concern, that's three strikes against me right there. They did both at least send pretty cards, and went to great lengths to share their best wishes and hopes for not only my special day but for all of eternity. What didn't fit inside the cards was finished up in the attached three pages, but at least both ended again with wishing me a most joyous and "great big happy birthday!"

It's certainly not that I don't appreciate the good intentions, I do. But truly, like I said, some people should shut the fuck up already. Particularly about the gay thing, pray away the gay all you want, it's not just a "phase" and most absolutely none of your business.
Salt-N-Peppa - None of Your Business (Metal Mix)


  1. "will secure my eternal damnation"


    See you in hell, mother fucker. :-)

  2. hey, fan, see ya! "it's gettin' hot in here, so take off all your clothes." good times ahead.

  3. I love a good rant. Sometimes the emotion just wells up inside like expanding gas and needs to be vented. Don't you sometimes just want to shake some people?

  4. Doug, Sometimes just want to shake people, yeah, usually mostly the ones you do care about which is weird I suppose. And I rant too much.

    Diane, if I had my way you lesbian folks would have a blanket pardon for whatever. I've known too many scary lesbians to mess about with that! (Just kidding, but kind of true.)

  5. "I think they should both maybe pay a bit more attention to their own business."

    We must know the same people. I have two sisters that I love dearly, one is cheating with a married older man and the other is in a relationship with a woman who will sleep with man, woman and hopeful not child. In any case they always have an opinion on other peoples lives.


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