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Letter From Mom ... Explains A Lot

Letter from my mom, no envelope to go along with but guessing around 1980 plus or minus a year or two. Whenever, here obviously proof of genetics accounting for my propensity for babbling from one gist to a totally off point another, clearly a maternal heritance.

Dear Doug,

Just a quick note so I can stick it in the box at the post office on the way to church. We're starting at 7 o'clock on Wednesday nights again. The ones that wanted it later haven't been coming anyway. Ha!

Just to brief you in. Last Friday afternoon, I took Don to Independence Center to meet Mary, Denise and Dana. He went with them to get Jim and Keith at work (Keith helped Jim last week) then they all went to the Royals' double-header.

And guess what I did! I spent the night with Eve. We had such a good time. Dwight and Heath had gone to Alabama, and Chad spent the night with a friend so it was just Eve, Tif and me.

Saturday I made five pints of relish and two pies and a cobbler.

That evening your dad and I went to the fair, then out to eat and drove around. It was fun. Don stayed at the Doores' until Sunday.

Monday your dad did another plumbing job.

Eve and the two kids came out that evening and ate with us. Then Joan and her kids came later and Roger spent the night. We took him home yesterday evening and had supper with Joan and Lavon.

Yesterday I canned five pints of tomatoes.

I've got the piano stained but still have to put the polyurethane finish on it. I've gotta get it on the way to church.

I'm supposed to go to Judy's Friday for lunch.

I think that about does it for my news.

Oh, I forgot. Mr. Seaton showed our house awhile ago. I don't know, of course, if they'll want it or not. They looked around for about half and hour.

Sunday is supposed to be "open house" here, so don't call that afternoon 'cause we won't be here and the realtor may answer the phone and you'd still have to pay.

I've really gotta go. Bye. See ya!

Love, Mom
So you see, it's really not my fault the shifting from one day politics to the next day feel-good fluff to another only nonsensical crap. I was apparently bred to be the yo-yo nutjob that is me. Case closed I have some screws loose indeed, my mother the one to blame.


  1. Nutcase to nutcase, my mom too was and sorry to say still "can be" the Master Nut. (Don't even as me about this week...)

    I didn't think "nutcaaaaaaaaaaase" (sang opera style) when reading this though. You know what I thought? And kept thinking again and again as I read? "Man! That is one popular woman! Good for her! Social butterfly!" :)

    Love when you go digging in those boxes in your closet (?) and come back and share. Always a treat...with a "smidge" of voyuerism (I know...wrong spelling) for us. :)

  2. I am so out of the closet, but I have been digging around in some ratty boxes lately for this stuff. Scares me what might be found out once I'm dead! Thanks for voyeurisiming my smidge of exhibitionisming. :-)

  3. I love the letters yo post. You know what would be really col, if you could do a podcast and read them. You have a great voice. Some how the letters explain to me why you came to be, who you are today.

  4. The letters are meaningless to anyone but me, I know, but I personally enjoy digging through them all. I just want to be prepared for looking down on the afterlife when others open the same boxes. :-) My voice, hardly great but thanks, and the podcast host iffy from time to time, but maybe I will do some readings just for posterity's sake. Thanks, Rain.


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