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Showing posts from November, 2008

See You In Hell

This most reverend Roman Catholic asshole priest guy in California, Joseph Illo, has highly recommended to his culpable parishioners that they most likely should pay a visit to the confessional for their souls' sakes if they happened to have voted for Barack Obama. The sooner the better, too, lest whichever transgressors might risk losing their "state of grace" if they do not opt for begging pardon before their next up wafer chomp and wine shot event. He even sent a letter to the sheeple explaining presumably on behalf of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that voting for Obama was a mortal sin and how apparently one's eternal destiny could be in jeopardy. Obama supports abortion, you know, a mortal sin that. Again, another lamebrained bonehead tagging anyone supporting pro-choice rights the same-same as being pro-abortion. I'm sure he'll have some alarmed parishioners lining up before the next Communion, just playing it on the safe side. Idiots abound...

Jackpot, Girls, Big Boner and Family - Happy Thanksgiving!

What I'm thankful for today, mostly is that I found out that my Email just won me £12,733,500 in the Euro Million Lottery! I'd share my lucky numbers, but that should probably best be kept private. Anyway, all I have to do now to claim my fortune is contact Sir Willie Banks with a list of some personal information to verify my identity, that's understandable. I am so very thrilled and thankful that things are finally looking not just up, but way way up there, for me! But that's not all. Also, today, I learned that there are six (count 'em, six) girl hotties right here in Kansas City wanting to hook up with me! I am so in demand, I might consider just taking them all up on having a chance at the Dougmeister and let them catfight it out. I was also fortuitously pointed today where I can get the cheapest ever Viagra and Cialis which might come in handy with so much pending action. My friend Al Chandler directed me to that one, also with pointers on how to get a bigger ...

Journaling, The Good The Bad The Ugly

I have just spent the last couple of hours browsing through random pages and various entries out of the many hundreds from the journals I kept between 1976 and 1981, and all I have to say about that is ... " Sweet Fancy Moses! " Holy crap, confirmation that I have always been mentally oddball. Some of the babble I truly have no idea about, like who the hell is this BG person that I kept bringing up so often back in 1978? I have no recollection of whom that might have been. Reading also did, though, at times recall flashbacks of memories long since forgotten, so the perusing was kind of worthwhile just for the reminiscing. I think everyone should journal, although keeping in mind that when dead the memoir will inevitably be found by survivors, and some of which could seem a bit troubling from time to time. That's why I'm considering handing off this volume to my kid to glance over now, while I'm still breathing; a better time for explaining myself as need be rather...

Book 'em, Danno!

Police arrests of students in Hartford, Connecticut schools are on the upswing, particularly the kids of the colored varieties. Blacks, Hispanics ... mostly anyone not one of the white sort basically. Well, I couldn't care less their coloring and that's cool, if most malefactors are in fact largely of the darker-skinned mix. That would make sense, and shut up about it already. But it does seem a bit anomalous, really, all things considered. An ACLU report cites that these particular students, though, in both West and East Hartford districts are arrested in school at a rate far disproportionate to their numbers. " During the 2006-07 school year, for example, black and Hispanic students together accounted for 69 percent of East Hartford's student population, but experienced 85 percent of its school-based arrests ." Again, well, they are the majority there after all, and maybe do hold claim the lion's share of bad behavior so I have no problem accepting that sta...

Splinters in Others' Eyes, Beam Maybe in my Own

A college student, Abraham Biggs, committed suicide last Wednesday by taking a drug overdose in front of his live webcam while some of his viewers were cheering him on. It was even discussed about whether he might or might not be taking a big enough dose to get the job done. Others did try to talk him out of it, then some OMGs and OMFGs when it became clear it really was no joke after all. By the time the cops finally got there, also caught on cam, it was already too late. Twelve hours later when they arrived. Count 'em, twelve. He was 19 years old, attending Broward College in Florida. When the police arrived, he was already dead on his bed, the webcast still running live and people were still watching. Did I mention, twelve hours after his online manifesto of intent around 3 a.m.? His family is pissed that no one acted any sooner to save him, neither the viewers nor the site that hosted his webcast which had by the way also been notified of the happenings hours earlier by those n...

A Night to Remember

This is me passed out at nineteen years of age back in 1982, pool stick still in hand awaiting my next shot. I appear dead, I know. Don't remember where from this grainy black and white I happened across here, I have an entire set of color prints from that night somewhere in a box, but in cleaning up my hard drive I found this. [ UPDATE : I figured out where from this splotchy photo after all, a FAX of a photocopy of a scan of the original that was sent to me a few years back, it's a fourth generation rendition so no wonder so bad. It bugged me not remembering. Found the original sent to me by one of the other delinquents there that night. Mystery solved .] Things I remember about that night. Just Denise, Barb, Del and me with the house all to ourselves. Lots of rum and Coke, then rum straight up when the pop ran out. In the basement, playing pool, I think there might have possibly been a joint in the mix as well. Not too long before I first got married, trying to squeeze in al...

Birthday Surprises

My life is an embarrassment right now, has been for the past couple of years. Downward spiral. Ups and downs always of course, that's simply life, but never spiraled so low ever! So, yeah, particularly at my age and from where I am right now turning the page over to a new year basically just sucked for me. Even though I knew it to be only another next day, it kind of was biting the big one. I just keep it inside mostly, mainly because I've lost virtually all of those who used to be amongst my throng of friends for some reason or another, so there's actually no one to whine to anyway. Either because I came out gay years ago and then was duly shunned by more lifelong friends than I'd ever have imagined, or because I once being the bestest of friends when I had tons of money to blow and always the one buying up the rounds at the bar or paying for everyone's dinner, when the Bank of Doug dried up I quickly found out the fair weather parasites. My social circle has prett...

The Apocalypse and Dead Babies

His Eminence James Francis Cardinal Stafford, some typical archetypal pointy hatted really old Catholic dude in a dress, last Thursday commented that by electing Barack Obama as our next president, America has " suffered a cultural earthquake ." That can't bode well, and Lord knows this bulletin from a man of God, probably actually channeling the Almighty even. I think those hats that are all the rage in the upper echelons of the Church work somehow as spiritual antennae, supposed to stream Jesus or something, but that's just my own speculation. By whatever means divinely inspired, he did pass along the straight dope about how Obama is so " aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic ." Holy shit. That seems a bit extreme, don't you think? Particularly given that all those three adjectives I would think mostly might be more so applicable to the outgoing (praise the Lord for that, anyway) Daffy Lame W. Duck. Aggressive, disruptive, and apocalyptic? Yeah, I th...

Wayward Son

I heard this song played today for the first time in a coon's age. Always a special one on my reminiscing playlist, it's what happened to be playing on the radio when I smoked my first ever joint. Memories. I was in the back seat, my friend Martha and her then boyfriend of the day were up front. He liked the ganja and I was only a teenager, and we sometimes tend to try out new stuff around that time, you know. So anyway, we were on our way to my other friend Cheryl's high school's production of Fiddler on the Roof . I remember nothing about the show, other than that I found it extraordinarily funny until I couldn't hold back and we were eventually tossed out because of my laughing out loud. Good times. The plus side is we then could swing by the 7-11 and stock up on some much-needed munchies. I've always been a mess, still am carrying on though. The boyfriend's name was also Doug, and he drove an AMC Hornet. Don't even know why I remember that. Tomorrow ...

Prop 8 Blurb

I always have an opinion. It's just that on some issues I have so many thoughts rattling around in my head all at the same time that I'm unable to coherently spew. Such it is with the Cali Prop 8 thing that has been going on for the past week and then some. Honestly, I won't even try. What I will say is that I am proud of my fellow queer community alongside more breeders than I would have expected, rallying across the entire nation protesting its passing, and the crowd that showed up here just about four miles down the road from me at the Plaza yesterday following suit. What I'm not so proud about is that, with all of the outrage of the past several days, really the ones in California where it might have made a difference, why didn't those folks get their gay asses out to vote? I read that only thirty percent of registered voters in San Francisco, of all places, even bothered to ballot on that Tuesday. Maybe a lesson learned that action might speak louder than words...

Not So Proud

Apparently, threats against the life of new president-elects generally spike after any election. But this year it seems that officials are seeing more threats against Barack Obama than ever before. The Secret Service wouldn't comment nor provide the number of occurrences they might be investigating. They did say, though, that since the election, law enforcement officials have seen more potentially threatening writings, Internet postings and other activity directed toward Obama than has been seen with anyone. So admitted anonymous officials aware of the goings on. Only on condition of anonymity, of course, because of security concerns. A couple of instances that I found particularly not so much disturbing as embarrassing, being a member still of the human race and an American to boot. In Maine, a reporter spotted a sign in a convenience store inviting customers to sign up for wagering on when Barack Obama might be assassinated, the "Osama Obama Shotgun Pool." The sign sol...

Kerry Magaña and the Higher Powers

This past July, I recall watching about this on the local news, the video of the broadcast posted below. It kind of pissed me off then, the red tape and bureaucracy for this family to have to deal with. Here's the story, this local teen Kerry Magaña just turned 15 earlier this year and she had been diagnosed with leukemia for the first time a couple of years ago, treated with chemo and radiation only to have it return a second time. Same same again, so this her third bout with the cancer, and not doing so well, was on schedule for a bone marrow transplant the following month in August. Her mother, single and twice widowed, works full time and has other kids so couldn't be at the hospital 24/7 and totally stressed out, I'm sure. Kerry points out in this video how she was worried about her mother. " I just look for ways to make it less stressful on her, and having my grandma here would be a big plus on that ," she said. But her grandmother lives in Honduras and even...

Hump Day Every Day

It's Wednesday, hump day so it's all downhill from here on out. But just wait until next week, an entire week of humping in the Lone Star state! People will be walking funny probably by next Friday. Ed Young, this preacher from some mega house of God in Texas, Fellowship Church , is planning ahead to screw his wife every day for seven straight beginning this Sunday. The thrust, so to speak, being that this will somehow be reclaiming sex for married couples only, as the good Lord intended. And of course nothing like a week of scheduled monkey love to prove that case. "God says sex should be between a married man and a woman," Brother Young said. "I think it's one of the greatest things you can do for your kids because so goes the marriage, so goes the family." Fucking one of the greatest things you can do for your kids? Really? Cool, why not recommend kicking it up a notch and letting the kids watch even. He's also challenging his flock , the married ...

Unedited Anti-War Big Block of Text

I am so anti-war it's not even funny. Even the Afghanistan debacle, and I know Obama intends to amp that one up but at least to maybe get it over with, too, sooner than later once we get our ass out of Iraq where it ought not ever have been in the first place. Personally, I think going into Afghanistan even for bin Laden was a mistake. I know, I know, war on terror, blah blah, and he's a bad guy and everything. Orchestrated killing three thousand give or take, innocent American lives. Well, we certainly have trumped that by oodles the wiping out of innocent civilians, huh? Not to mention the adding to our own U.S. of A. tally of the dead. Maybe I just don't understand collateral damage so much. But rather than destroying a country and every regional commoner being on constant alert to maybe be smattered at any moment, I just think there should be a better way. Maybe society is so fucked up there isn't any other option anymore, the world history of warring kind of proves...

Feeling Good This Time Around

After my Election Day political orgasm I'll confess that right after, almost like a whack to the head, I started then wondering despite my Obama mania, how things might possibly play out looking forward. Lots of messes to deal with, after all. I have to say, though, that even so far being only President-Elect I am feeling so confident about this man to head up the country. And as an aside, can you point to anyone who has ever consistently presented himself with as much confidence without arrogance, and such invariable class and grace? Not that confidence, class or grace mean shit when taking over governing a nation gone to hell under the Bush administration, I know. But it certainly pumps up the hoping of better things to come. I have let go my doubting of what is in store for the future, though. I am convinced and a full-fledged believer now that however botched up things right now, we have someone coming into office next with the moxie to set things straight. America no longer a ...

Bipolar Me Today, Downer Post

Sorry, just one of those days, you know. Feel free to move along to happier browsing. It is a good song, though, and I know I can't be the only weirdo who sometimes wishes to just rather be dead. No? " Wish I was too dead to cry, my self-affliction fades. Stones to throw at my creator, masochist to which I cater . " You don't need to bother, I don't need to be. I'll keep slipping farther but once I hold on, I won't let go 'til it bleeds . " Wish I was too dead to care, if indeed I cared at all. Never had a voice to protest, so you fed me shit to digest . " I wish I had a reason, my flaws are open season. For this I gave up trying, one good turn deserves my dying . " You don't need to bother, I don't need to be. I'll keep slipping farther but once I hold on, I won't let go 'til it bleeds . " Wish I'd died instead of lived, a zombie hides my face. Shell forgotten with its memories, diaries left with cryptic ent...

Medical Misunderstanding

Doctor Muhammad Siddiq, a general practioner of thirty years plus, sent off a letter to the editor of Pulse , a medical journal for GPs from across the pond, saying that gay patients deserve neither help nor pity, but that they do need " the stick of the law to put them on the right path ." " There is punishment and a fine if you throw rubbish or filth in the streets ," he went on, and that how gays " are causing the spread of disease with their irresponsible behavior ." When he was first questioned about it, he said he had written it because he was overly stressed about other non-related stuff. Well, that explanation didn't really fly so much with the GMC, General Medical Council over there. So later on he said it was just a hoax, passing the buck off to his apparently unpredictable son, who had done this without his even knowing about it. Except that he the good doctor himself had signed the thing. Okay, there's a dilemma. Let's see, oh yeah...

The Waiting Is Over!

THAT WAS THEN ... THIS IS NOW ... Kool and the Gang - Celebrate

Douchebag of the Day

The Honorable James David Manning " To those of you who are Barack Hussein Obama supporters, who are threatening to kill me because I am exposing him to the world as the emissary of the devil which he is, a closet homosexual, and the product of a white trashy mother, you need to understand that only death will stop me from speaking this truth ." Thank God that I happened across this today! I understand now why I should switch, voting all McMaverick instead ... my duty in helping to whip Obama's whore-spawned Satanic consul's gay terrorist ass. Winner of Douchebag of the Day award, the Honorable James David Manning ... by proving himself to be such a Loser. Isn't that ironic?

Things We Say and Do, Who Knew?

Once in awhile, when you're feeling like crap about yourself (okay, maybe that's just me, but) it's not such a bad idea to remind your own self that you are planted here for some reason. And to also remember how you'll probably most likely never have any idea of how some seemingly insignificant thing you might have done or said impacted another, some whom you might not even have known. Kind of a bonus then those times when you do find out by some chance at least something that you might have done or said and considered forgettable, but a token of sorts to take away even a single incident, that did make a difference. Backstory here. There was this lady I hired once to work for me, she was a joy. Short little rotund upbeat middle-aged woman. Moving her entire family from Oklahoma to Kansas City for the job. So then after a couple of years, I showed up to work one day and shortly after walking into my office the phone rang. It was Joan. "Hi, Doug. I wanted to call and...