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Too Many Zs

Maybe it's because I've been sleeping for most of ten hours every night lately, but I think that possibly after a certain amount of hours the brain must get totally whacked on dopamine or something.

Weirder dreams than usual, even. I think I should figure out how to set my alarm again since I haven't needed to do so for so long now.

Last night (or actually this afternoon probably, since I didn't even go to bed until dawn) a flaky dream that scared the crap out of me. The subconscious goes loco apparently when left for too long to its own devices. It concocts some weird shit, probably really just trying to get your lazy ass out of bed. And it does work.

They are always so real, too, the dreams! But as of late I've found myself regularly being a potential murder victim by an array of methods, makes me uncomfortable. Creepy is what it is. I generally panic at the last minute and wake up, and who then would want to go back again to sleep after that? Sequels usually suck.

But this latest episode, I kind of came out the hero saving not only my own life but a crowd of other potential collateral damage. So hurray for me! Although there were still dead people, and a porn star was involved as the other good guy than myself, of course. I don't know why that.

What happened, there was this flea market (and I do love the flea markets) just off the highway somewhere. People were parked alongside the exit and many walking to peruse and possibly buy whatever others' trash, me being one of the crowd. So after I parked and was afoot, I noticed this guy in a red fleece jacket several feet in front of me within our midst.

Without warning he suddenly pulled out a gun and started snipering down anyone who didn't duck so fast. People were dropping like flies. It was weird. Fortunately, I noticed this one other guy hunkered down behind a box with a Kenmore refrigerator inside. (Product placement in my dreams, are you kidding me?)

But anyway, however someone could lose a major appliance I can't imagine but it did serve to block the gunfire from this maniac, which is all that mattered then and there.

Fast forward to the end, the shootist ultimately ran out of ammo and came up to me and, with me pretending to have just come upon the scene and not knowing what had just happened, caught him off guard and wrestled him to the ground. Held him down even, waiting for an officer to show up with cuffs or something.

It was easy to do actually, and I remember calling him out on not even trying to put up a fight. He said that he was. Superstrong me, I guess, in my dreams!

Okay, so the cop finally showed up, and he was the porn star dude. I'll just leave his name out of this, mostly because I can't stand the guy and the fact that he even made a cameo in my delusion is disturbing. Plus he was simply irritating anyway, because just when I thought I could turn the bad guy over into police custody this porn cop told me to just wait a bit longer, he had to masturbate first but would be back soon.

I woke up after that, suppose I got tired of waiting around. What is up with these dreams? I am going to try sleeping less time in a single stretch, maybe just take a nap later on in the day instead. Perhaps then imaginary people will stop attempting making me dead. It's troubling.


  1. Dreams. I have been having (remembering) more dreams than ever b4. They are sweet, happy, sexy (Jodie, Angelina, Susan Sarandon and such)NO, I NEVER have sex with them, they are just there---oh, I do end up saving people from bad guys---super stud me! I have to take meds every 4hrs so I wake all night long. That porn dude...I think all the ugly news lately, murders/nooses/etc., I bet a lot of bad dreams around.

  2. I wouldn't mind a bit of Angelina in my dreams, even we queer guys know she's hot. Or at least I'd do her. Of course she'd probably turn all evil and try to kill me the way things have been going lately. I've given up even trying to figure out what if anything the dreams mean, just hope they stop soon. Couldn't even come up with a cute dude porn star, that didn't even work out for me. Oh well.

  3. Hmmmmm...Ron Jeremy maybe??? *giggle*

    Well, here are some theories...Is New know the mushy, lovey dovey one trying to kill Old Doug? You know the angry potty mouth one? (Not that I don't love him too...theory...just theory...)

    Still, could be in the last dream...New Doug was just so much stronger and "together" than he one, thought, and two, than this guy who was just a minute ago, such a threat.

    Ok, the other way to look at it is, "they say" EVERYONE in our us. That works for me sometimes? But not always.

    I hate scary dreams, but when they are my own, I am pretty good at figuring them out. Usually it's one supressed emotion or another...or two, or three.

    Lovin your pods. :)

  4. WHOA! I'm Jodie Foster? Sweet.
    Doug maybe the dreams are telling you that you are really str8. PSYCH

  5. PSYCH indeed, I'm not going to fooled about that! I do love my Jodie, though. We were born on the same exact day, by the way.

    And ew, no, it wasn't Ron Jeremy in my dream. Hell, if that were the case I'd have stood on top of the Kenmore box and let the red jacket dude just shoot me. It was another, you wouldn't know, but still don't know why even he was there.

    And you know what? There's no new Doug or old Doug, so that's unlikely the meaning. I've always been mushy and lovey dovey, but also pissed off and foul-mouthed. One doesn't necessarily exclude the other, at least in my schizo world.

    And for once, last night, nary a weapon in sight in my dreams! Just stupid shit, which was nice for a change.

  6. Oh, ok...guess I would have flunked "dream school." Ha. Glad to hear you have always had that equal balance. Guess it was me, trying to "toot my own horn" as if I was somehow helping to awaken the mushy guy. Yeah, I's not about me is it. *laughing at self*

    Glad to hear you had a better night's sleep.


    I think I said it wrong. Each person "represents" us. Something like that. Again, I would not have gotten my dream diploma. :)But, if that's what it means? Then it would be like, you have some of her qualities, or whatever she was doing in the dream, etc.

    But, like I said, both theories? Don't always work for me. Because what the hell would the dream I had months ago about making out with Jerry Springer mean??! *Insert horror movie scream here* Yes, it's joke. But hey, I woke up a little surprised that he was a really good kisser. hahahhahahahaaha *blushing*

  7. How many times do we have to tell you you have a purpose..GEEEZ! some people are so thick!


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