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Sarah Let Me Down

Okay, she did all right actually, me trying to be totally non-partisan with the judgment of tonight's performances.

Same thing for him, kind of just okay. The last thirty minutes of the entire debate from the whole ninety minutes worth, for both, were their best shining moments, in my opinion.

So anyway, despite the presto follow-up analyses from every network pundit on the planet (and I've heard already how she is back in the game and proved to be not so stupid after all, to others pointing out her proclivity to switch the question to whatever other issue if she couldn't answer because she's ignorant ... also how he rocked it in explaining directly and clearly where and why he and the boss stand on things, to him bombing big time instead, not making a strong enough case for his party's own platform!)

Fuck the talking heads, I'll make up my own mind.

So personally, going back to partisan again, I think Biden presented excellently tonight, and I could definitely envision him behind that podium speaking as President if worse ever came to worst. Palin, on the other hand, holy crap, not so much! But that's just me.

Still she did surprisingly well, like I said. I'll give her that, even with my apologies for anticipating additional sound bites for the funnies portfolio. It wasn't quite as entertaining as I had hoped for, though.

I'm sure the SNL writers might have a more difficult mission this week than expected to come up with day after tomorrow's next skit, but I'm confident they'll be able to conjure something. I do love my Tina Fey, so hopefully there's at least enough material there to bring her back this week, that's mostly my only wish. I'm shallow.

Honestly, I'm kind of disappointed about not finding very much from tonight for poking fun. Except that I did noticed she's got that same "nucular" impediment as does George W. Bush. And that's really not even so funny as just plain annoying. Pet peeve of mine.


  1. I felt just the same, Doug. What a let down. Was Biden on Valium? WTF
    A real snoozer. Waste of my time.
    I should have gone to a gay bar instead, at least I wouldn't be bluntly discriminated against there. There goes my bridal registry. %^&*

  2. Diane - that would have been a much more excellent plan indeed! It was a snoozer overall, I know. Dang, I miss when I used to go to gay bars almost every night, good times. And yep, I still feel both sides are still discriminatory against us queer folks, but I doubt if that will probably ever change in my lifetime. Biden I think did better overall on everything brought up, even on that issue, though, didn't piss me off or anything really.

  3. Doggone it

    Those words came out of Palin's mouth. Mild forms of cursing*, I say.

    *I'm holding on to the Republicans-like-to-curse-during-the-debate platform. It's the only thing that keeping me interested.

  4. Hey Doug, I totally caught the "nucular" thing. I think she said it right once at the end of it. Yeah, I wanted more of a major messup too.

    I thought it was very obvious that she crammed for this and was reciting, more than speaking. I think that's why she kept asking to expand the question; she wanted to get her memorized points in before she forgot again. Supposedly, she did call the General the wrong name and Biden chose not to correct her.

    And did anyone think Biden's eyes looked weird? I thought they looked taped at the outer corners and lifted, but I didn't see the tape. The tape could have been hidden at the hairline?

  5. I'm glad she didn't make a complete fool of herself. I feel embarrass for people when that happens. Even for those I don't like that much.

  6. Erika - yeah, she obviously had to cram for it, everyone knew she'd have to, I was just hoping she'd come up blank when on stage if only for my amusement. Unlike a more considerate person like Rain is, I kind of had hoped she had made a complete fool of herself. :-) But I at least give her credit for not.

    As for Fan, you know me ... I'd like a good bleepin' foul-mouthed debate myself. At least she went as far as Jesus would let her go, what with the witchcraft all prayed out of her and stuff.

  7. Oh yeah, and Erika, I noticed, too, that she did get nuclear right that one time near the end. Impressive. And I didn't notice Joe's eyes, probably blinded by how white his teeth! Hers, too. Apparently they all, Palin, Biden, Obama ... keep Crest Whitestrips in business, except for McCain. He actually probably should consider a trip to the Walgreen's.

  8. "Unlike a more considerate person like Rain is, I kind of had hoped she had made a complete fool of herself."

    LOL! I don't think you were alone.
    I didn't like the winking at all. I guess other women felt the same way.

  9. Winking, hell. In the beginning, just the blinking was enough what with those bangs in her eyes flailing around. The winking was annoying, as was the "shout out", for someone in her position in a serious debate. She's an idiot. I watched the whole thing again, less than impressed this time around. I guess I originally knee-jerk just was surprised that she actually did do better than I had expected. And yeah, there was some good material after all for Tina Fey on tonight's SNL after all, the only highlight of that show these days.


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