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I Think, Therefore I Am Not An Idiot

When I was in Junior High I joined up for Debate class, which I'm quite certain is no longer a curricular option these days no more so than the Latin class I took in High School. No wonder we have such an overwhelmingly majority idiot populace these days.

It won't happen, but I think a class in debating should be mandatory.

Here's why. Given a topic, any topic, and being assigned to argue one way or the other forces you to explore both sides of whatever the argument. You have to. First and foremost to defend whichever your appointed position on the issue, but also to consider the other side of the bone you're picking with your opponent in order to be able to rebut whatever point he or she might contest.

I have no problem with anyone who might dissent with me about any issue, I don't ... as long as they can justify the why of their thinking even if I disagree. Most often that usually doesn't happen, though. Just because they truly can't explain the why of their belief.

Hey, I won some contests arguing the side of whatever point was given us that I didn't even agree with sometimes. Because I had to study to know enough to understand thoroughly both sides of the discussion, and not that there's anything wrong with that.

That's why I think Debate should be required in schools, to force kids early on to make up their own minds, with reason. To think. Of course, like I said, I know that will never happen. Hell, with budget cuts and stuff even my old High School recently figured that the most prudent choice to save coin was in shutting down the library.

To reiterate, no wonder we have an idiot populace. I'm sure the Underwater Basketweaving class stayed on the elective course list, though. No reading required for that one, nor any thinking.


  1. I am a high school debate teacher. (Just Friday, I was commenting to some fellow Debate coaches on how Mr. McCain did EVERYTHING . . .from smirking to patronizing . . .we tell our beginning Speech and Debate students NOT to do when interpersonally communicating.) Naturally, I feel it's one of the most important classes a student can have. To be fair, though, all I will say is I've never had a student REGRET taking Debate.

  2. Okay, so debate classes still do exist here and there, that's most excellent!! I wish it was required everywhere.

  3. First of all, I will say it again...You have a great Podcast voice!

    Now, would you believe, when I was in school, I had no frickin idea what a debate was let alone why they would have a "team?" And I had no idea what they were doig, when they both stood up there at podiums...talking about boring sh**.

    I know, I know...not something to be proud of. But I share because DOUG! Look at me now! You know me right? Can you imagine ME not agreeing with how GREAT debates can be!?

    Man...I wasted alot of time in school...thinking about boys and if my legs looked good enough in my uniform skirt that day...(insert me, rolling eyes at myself with disgust...ha)

  4. Lumina. You can say "shit" here, no asterisks ever required. Even worser words if the spirit so moves you. I'm well-versed.

    Also, I'm sure you're legs are totally fine, fabulous even, the uniform just a fantasy perk. :-) And am thankful you finally got over that debater hater thing.

    Yep, I really do think it's important. To think, and to be able to explain why.

  5. that leads to understanding. yuck!

  6. I love fuck reason.


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