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Speaking of Asses

Church of England priest Peter Mullen, chaplain for the London Stock Exchange (who knew?) is sorry now, publicly apologizing about posting on his blog that gay guys should all be forcibly tattooed on ass and chin with locale-appropriate health alerts.

Kind of like the caveat emptor blurb on packs of smokes ... or as they're known across the pond, fags. That occurred to me as I was writing it just now, kind of funny. I amuse myself sometimes.

Let us make it obligatory for homosexuals to have their backsides tattooed with the slogan SODOMY CAN SERIOUSLY DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH, their chins with FELLATIO KILLS," what he said.

Okay, as much as I enjoy getting tattoos (and I do) I have to admit that I really would prefer not having a hazardous warning label branded onto my ass. Might be a turnoff to some cute guy, making him think twice when I'd rather he not be thinking so much at all. And that chin tattoo thing would just simply hurt like hell, so I'd have to pass on that one whatever the message.

Plus, mostly sodomy hasn't really proven so damaging to my health as far as I can tell nor am I dead yet from all of the fellating and stuff.

In another post he called for "obscene" gay pride parades to be made illegal, and also went on lambasting a different priest for officiating a civil union ceremony between two of his own fellow clerical brethren as marrying off two "puffs."

He never actually intended to offend, though.

I was not actually meaning to criticize individual homosexual persons, but the promoters of gay culture. However, my remarks have caused offence and for this I am sorry and make a full and complete apology.”

Yeah, after his bosses higher up in whatever the Anglican hierarchy made him take the blog down and pretend all remorseful and such.

I find the whole thing somewhat amusing. Old closeted repressed sexually frustrated homo vicars, they do say the darndest things.


  1. Holy child molester! This is unbelievable. I was ready to type my comment but your last lines nailed it.

  2. So being walking around today..."thinking about asses" and BAM, come to your blog. *ha*

    You always make me laugh and go "yikes" at the same time now and then...but that's why I luvs ya. No corner too dark or deep to shed the light on. :)

    As far as this guy? You sure he didn't add, "Not that there's anything wrong with it." (ha...Seinfeld.) Maybe he should have, and no one would have noticed how awful, vile and judgemental his thoughts were? Just a thought... :)

  3. Even if it's patting myself on the back, yeah, like Diane said, the last line pretty much does nail it. Guys like these are so in denial, think Larry Craig.

    Lumina, you're right! I've got to say if I learned nothing else from my obsession with Seinfeld, I have discovered myself that "not that there's anything wrong with that" does pretty much water down whatever bad or even stupid shit one might say ... I've used it myself. I guess this guy wasn't a student of the Seinfeld, doh!


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