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Ads Overload

First of all, since I happen to live in one of those battleground states, I'm probably more so constantly bombarded than others more lucky with all of the political ads on both sides, inevitably back to back.

But also it's worse here even, since our metro area straddles state lines. I've lived on both sides, and can even now from here walk into Kansas. The problem is that all local stations, of course, in covering the entire viewing area are ad nauseum airing ads from every candidate from both parties from both states for what seems to be dozens of offices up for grabs.

Oh my God, I swear I don't even know what might be on sale this weekend at the Price Chopper what with every paid for commercial minute allocated to the political aspirants.

Damn. I'm so tired of it all, but there is some funny stuff sometimes.

And they all lie and make shit up anyway, or at least halfway lie, crossing fingers that there might be enough stupid constituents out there (which unfortunately having spent many years in marketing I know to be so true) to just sign on without bothering to find out the real truth.

Anyway, it's too much and I digress as usual, but here's an example of how moronic some of our local runners' propoganda. And I'm not going to lie, there are so many that they are all a promotional blur so I don't even know which party, which state, or which office these are even for but they always stick out like a sore thumb to me when they play.

There's this one where they've got all of that dramatic music and scrolling video, about how whoever the guy's opponent has skipped out on 433 out of a total 435 votes!

Then goes on to elaborate how that when he did show up those couple of times, he voted this way on whatever, that way on another issue, and also whichever way on that other one.

I think it's funny pointing out the guy voting only twice on policy and then making sure everyone realizes what bad judgement in how he voted ... thrice.

I'd vote for the other guy whether I agreed with him or not just because I'd hope he might be better able to count, at least that might be some sort of positive advantage.

Then, a new one I saw today where this halfwit contender is attempting trying to slam the opponent by pointing out how he tends to always side with Obama.

Okay, whichever side of the political fence, come on! Common sense should dictate that the way things stand now that's really not a wise marketing ploy to win over votes, what with Obama ahead in every poll and stuff.

I mean, sure it makes sense for example the Dems to point out how whoever the other guy might have sided with Bush or whatever, because W. really is not in most people's good graces these days.

But seriously, that just ain't smart in trying to win an election by talking smack about how the other might be Obama-biased.

Holy crap. So that's all. I'm just totally inundated with ads more so than most, so I thought I'd share a couple of the most ill thought out and daffy of the lot.

Really, though, they are all mostly just hebetudinous. I just learned that word "hebetudinous" today and I liked it and wanted to use it, that's the only reason I mentioned it. But it's true, all of the ads though truly are just duller than dirt, which is why I bother to notice the ones so silly as to stand out.


  1. LOVE listening and not havin to read!

    I am with you on being pooped. Everyday, I can't tell you how much crap I tear up down in the garage before bringing the "real" mail up. That poor mailman...

    Man my mail has been so hebetunous! *ha...did I use it right? probably not. ha*

  2. Doug, where is the podcast link? I couldn't find it. I would like to listen too; you have a great speaking voice.

  3. Erika,
    Since I seem to have popped in before on the little microphone picture on the right. :)

  4. Thanks, Lumina! I don't know how I missed it- it's pretty big. (I bet Doug will notice that line; it sounds nasty. lol.)

  5. Mmmmm. Big. Nasty. :-)


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