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Watch Your Step

"Abut" means to border on, like something siding up next to your property that isn't your own and that you have really nothing to do with whatsoever. It ain't yours to have to deal with. Unless you happen to live here in my neck of the woods.

Not so uncommon elsewhere either, at least that's what the powers that be claim. Like when the curb at the street in front of your house that the city cast or that public sidewalk poured alongside, if they start requiring some maintenance because of sinking or crumbling or whatnot then ownership apparently gets passed off to you the abutted homeowner. Not only to have to deal with, but even obligated to fix it up on your own dime. City ordinance says so.

This local guy recently called in to report that the sidewalk in front of his house was sinking and asked for them to make the repairs. Believe me, it's not uncommon some pretty hazardous walkways around here, I've tripped up many times but that could just be me.

Anyway, not a problem. They said they'd be happy to take care of it, evidently they have a crew to handle such things ... and that the guy who called it in living there would also have to foot the bill. What?

But turns out that the code mandates property owners keep the sidewalks and even curbs abutting their property in good repair. Even though they belong to the city, except I guess until things go bad.

They're both fucked up, the sidewalks and the rules around here.

Apparently because the public pathway out in front of my house is my onus to resolve, which I never knew until now, I wonder if I can start taking to court the dozens of daily passersby for their blatant trespassing. Wouldn't be prudent, probably, mostly just a red flag pointing out my having been lax about my civic duty to fix up the city's previous shoddy workmanship. It is in pretty bad shape.

Stupid shit, I know. But this pisses me off, it really does.


  1. Wow, that sidewalk in the pic is a trip. "Trip." Hey, wouldn't that be considered a pun? I am more clever than I know.

  2. I grew up in Indiana with this law. If somebody slipped on your unsalted or unshoveld sidewalk---to court ye go. Out here in Seattle, people think I'm crazy. NOBODY does a damn thing to care for their sidewalk, or buts, HOWEVER, we get ALL worked up over trees. United states my abut!

  3. thing is, they're not our sidewalks to even care for anyway. i failed to mention that there has also been this recent campaign around here for the cops ticketing people parked in their own driveways of the vehicle happens to block in any way the sidewalk, because it is city and public property. unless of course i guess it's sinking or something.

  4. "If somebody slipped on your unsalted or unshoveld sidewalk---to court ye go"

    That's how it is here in New York State.


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