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Crazy Kraut, Sicko Me

A farmer in Germany who was convicted of murdering his dad and mom has lost his appeal against a life sentence. Damn the luck.

He bashed his father's skull open back in 2000 but said Dad had only been kicked upside the head by a rogue cow, and you know how that most definitely would leave a mark.

Then after four more years, later on strangled his mother and said she just, well, had died in her sleep for no apparent reason.

No one suspected anything awry. Shit does happen, I suppose.

Anyway, the nail in the coffin, so to speak, was when he was charged a year later with chopping up an elderly neighbor who had died of natural causes and feeding the meaty bits to his own pigs.

He thought he could lay claim to the dead guy's pension somehow.

So since that scheme didn't work out quite as planned and he got caught, he came clean that, yeah, it was he who had actually whacked in Dad's head, finally clearing the bovine reputation.

He said that he just was too impatient to inherit the farm so decided to expedite that whole inheritance process thing.

As for Mom, he simply didn't want her in the house any longer what with Dad gone and all. Good night, sweet dreams and rest in peace.

The real loser part is that he tried to pull off faking a funeral for the old guy whom he'd minced into hog slop already, and I would presume that probably seemed a little bit weird to the authorities.

Crazy is apparently a global malady, not specifically an American peculiarity. I don't know whether that makes me feel better or worse.

He lost his appeal and will be gone away forever, so that's a good thing, of course. I don't know why exactly, but I do admit to finding the story morbidly amusing. I guess I'm kind of a sicko myself.


  1. I loved Fried Green Tomatoes, uh-uh, you know what scene, chop chop. Sickos think alike. That lucky pig. True recycling.

  2. LOL - You know what, Diane? Fried Green Tomatoes was what first came to my mind, too!!! Again, don't know whether that should make me feel better or worse, but hey, I'm glad to know I'm in good demented company. Cool.

  3. Oh Lordy...the things some think they can get away with...Was his name Billy Bob Ojay?


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