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Vile Me

I do like dirty songs, I do. I don't like censorship, though, I don't. So it really pisses me off on two levels about that, when first of all some of the same songs that I personally enjoy get airplay on the radio, many of them unquestionably inappropriate. I know that, but to believe that all of those kids and anyone else tuned in don't figure out how to fill in the censored bleeps? Please, give me a break.

But the other thing that pisses me off more so is when rather than that, because a song is so totally non-airwave friendly and bleeping is not quite sufficient enough, the artists actually do a second completely different "clean" version to cover up the original bad!

I don't know why that annoys me so much, but what the hell is up with that? You write it, you sing it, you own it, no compromises however publicly unacceptable the end result. You don't wuss out and water down whatever just to make a buck and some change to properly satisfy the people's ethicality. I don't know.

Maybe it's because I have no problem with profanity, but I do prefer originals to knockoffs. Or maybe it's because I'm a songwriter and can't imagine having to replay, conceding to others' rules. Although I personally have never written anything objectionable, for the record. Mostly just love songs or religious ones really, but if I ever did, I'd never expect or desire its public exposure. And I'd definitely not consider switching things up just to make it more palatable.

Like Buckcherry sold out to placate the masses, and I find that disappointing. The thing is, their Too Drunk to What version is a big hit on the charts, and again, like anyone listening doesn't know the coverup. Annoys me. Too Drunk to Fuck, that's the real deal.

Sure, as written can not nor should it be played on the radio. But still, why change it for commercial profit? Seems to me if you're going to write to appease, do it right the first time. If not and you want to own whatever your work, however profane, never sell out.

I can't listen to the radio edit of this. I do like the original below, though, parental advisory dutifully noted. One of those songs that should not probably have ever been played on the radio, even the cleaned up version. But of course, if not for that I'd never have known of it in the first place. Like I confessed, I do like the dirty so ... I'm torn, I suppose. I never claimed making much sense.

Also, sorry to disappoint, but the lyrics laid out in this song are pretty much me. Except swapping out girls for guys. And the part about too drunk to fuck, that only happened once. I usually perform just fine under the influence, where I am most of the time.

Don't watch if you don't want to know. Anyway, at least this is the real thing and not that diluted crap version from the radio. Uncensored here and naughty, too ... that's the way I like it.

Buckcherry - Too Drunk


  1. I didn't even know there WAS a censored version?!? That's not very Buckcherry. I love how Josh mugs at the camera and gets so happy when he finally says it. He looks so glam in this video.

    I read that he's been sober for like 13 years, but still writes about how it was, back in the day.
    I saw him in concert about 8 years ago and he didn't seem sober; he seemed amped, but he looks healthier now.

    I really like his voice in Sorry and that's also the video I think he looks his hottest. I kinda crush on him a little.

  2. I kinda have a crush on him, too. I really can't stand the radio version of this song, THIS video is the way it was written and meant to be sung. Sang. Singed. Whatever, I'm too drunk to know what's right. :-) I doubt he's sobered up, but who am I to judge anyway? I do like all things Buckcherry, though. And wish they'd keep it all dirty. Sorry, though, is such a beatiful song to me, and I can totally relate ... thanks for bringing me down, Ms. Erika.

  3. I HATE when songs are censored, any art period. I want to hear the real deal. We are so screwed up here, in homes people cuss all the time, most, many. My older generation family, like aunt Vi's gang, all cussed. Who are we sparing? Buckcherry, no crush here, but I'm more into poony. (?) Good thing I learned that word today or I might have named my puppy that.

  4. THANK you, Diane. That's my point. Art is what it is, however expressed. If you don't approve, don't look at it, don't watch it, don't listen to it, whatever. I think just that an artist should not compromise to others' standards for a buck. I hate the selling out. Poony, LOL ... that would probably be a fine name for your puppy, really. I like it.


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