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Showing posts from September, 2008

Revisiting Childhood Aspirations

Remember the other day when I mentioned happening upon a box of my old letters, and shared a random pick for whatever purpose? Well, while my butt was firmly planted on the couch today what with all the football and NASCAR (I love Sundays!) I brought the box with. Along with a case of beer and a pack or two of smokes, of course. What an awesome day. Anyway, I thought this was odd because I had forgotten about it completely. I remember always writing weird-ass stories as a kid, always a writer. And way many songs, both before, during and after my stint with the band. It had slipped my mind, though, for unknown reasons that as a kid I also had aspirations to be a cartoonist! In that box of letters and miscellany, I grabbed a huge stack of my early, um, work? I have no idea my age since none were dated, but I know it was grade school stuff because it came back to me that I used to sit at the kitchen table doodling on notebook paper. I'm glad I kept them, though. I scanned a couple he...

Happy Birthday?

Today is my kid's birthday, she turns twenty-two. That's very disturbing somehow. I really had no problem with all of the played up birthdays so far, like the thirteenth, the eighteenth, even the twenty-first. Don't know why, but somehow this meaningless one aggravates the crap out of me. I think maybe it's because she's now entered into that phase of none to look forward to other than those to dread, validating getting older and when one starts knowing their own mortality. Thirty is the next biggie, and then of course from there on out it goes by decade. Shit, she can't be so old already. Or maybe it's not so much about her as what this bodes for me. Criminy! If she only had not have been born so damn premature as she was I would at least have had another couple of months to maybe adjust to the idea of this. Nah, it would have still caught me off guard whenever, I know. But still, it doesn't really seem all that long ago visiting her incubator at the NI...

Two Thumbs Up, But GObama

Well, at least the geezer showed up to debate, even without some miracle cure discovered for our financial woes. I'm glad, of course, that he did. Not making an appearance would only have proved his political idiocy, and Lord knows his ticket needs no more of that. Two words: Sarah Palin . So at least he was there anyway. Actually, I thought McCain and Obama both did well tonight, other than that John seemed to not notice that Barack was actually in the same room. McCain responded to every direct comment from Obama via the moderator; I think he must have thought Jim Lehrer was channeling his opponent instead. He never once looked to the left. Maybe that goiter on his face impairs his leftside vision or something, but still, he should have known better. That aside, I was glad the show went on after all and like I said, I do think they both did quite well. This is the time when we get down to where people need to start paying attention, not so much to the spin rhetoric of half-truths...

Doug At Sixteen

I found a stack of old letters today from my teen years when I would always spend summers in the country with Granny and Grandpa (and then just Granny after Grandpa died.) I've been reading them for awhile now, I'm so glad I kept them! Grabbed one at random here, from the summer of 1979. Feel free to click the back button now, I will understand. No hard feelings. This one is mostly only for me anyway, just reminiscing. Sunday night, July 8, 1979 Dear Mom and Dad, Well, let's see. Friday it was cool and dreary and just like Thursday. We did two loads of laundry and let most dry upstairs or in the pumphouse. Verna came in the afternoon and brought some green beans and new potatoes from their garden. She stayed a total of THREE hours. Jake was fishing at the pond on Barney's because he said he would like to fish there without Barney bothering him. Ha. Barney and Anne were gone for Anne to have the skin cancer taken from her forehead. Late evening me and Gran went up to Hi...

Straight Talk, No Talk McCain

Put on hold the friggin' debate? When I heard McCain live this afternoon make his speech about why with this Wall Street flop that would somehow rationalize delaying Friday night's face-off between him and Obama, I was dumbstruck. My first thought was that particularly in light of the goings on now, what better time to hear from the two potential next leaders to take over from the disaster of the incumbent loon who has overseen this toppling in the first place? I know the debate was scheduled to be about foreign policy but really, you know good and well that might have been touched on just to say so, but there is no way that this economic predicament would not have been given center stage. I figured it might give McCain even the opportunity to 'splain away why and how he may differ from the Republicans under whose watch the bungle was allowed to happen. Guess not. Of course then I got kind of worried that Obama might fold and respond agreeing to the idea, and not that he h...

Why I Cry

The Occasional Random Podcast Weekend tally of tears shed: Terrorist attack, zero. Plane crash, zilch. Sappy movie marathon, I can't count so high. Notes to self: Buy more Kleenex before watching next movie. Find local shrink and make appointment.

Take Your Mama Out - If You Can Afford To

This video is just because, and I also do have a crush on gay boy Jake Shears anyway. I like this song written basically about him coming out to his mom. Plus I've been watching endlessly this whole economic fiasco unfold all day long and am frankly tired of it already. I think I'm a masochist maybe, but one can only take so much. News is turned off now, shifting gears. Music makes me happy. Scissor Sisters - Take Your Mama


You know what? I don't even care enough to consider whether or not the feds should or should not have bailed out AIG. Or Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac or even Bear Stearns a few months back for that matter, or why Lehman Brothers apparently didn't pass muster for their own government handout. I guess the litmus test is that you must be deemed too big to fail by some arbitrary standards, no matter whatever lamebrained management practices pulled the rug out from under. Totalling now (mental math here, I might be off by a few bucks) three hundred and twenty billions of dollars spent saving corporate asses. And even more at risk of most likely soon needing rescue as well. I also don't even care whatever either Obama or McCain were babbling about this whole mess all day long today. (Although I can't get away without at least mentioning about populist McCain now avowing his determination to clean up Wall Street and to make sure this kind of evitable economic devastation won'...

Lighting Up

I was doing fairly well on cutting back on the smoking for awhile, I really was. Down to about half the norm. Felt so proud about all that, I began allowing myself occasional good boy bonus smokes. Now I'm pretty much back to where I was. How the hell does anyone ever just quit smoking forever? I don't get it. So yeah, I succumb. I give up. It's not worth it anyway, really, after too many chain smoking years why even bother? The damage is undoubtedly done. I'd just as well concede already and smoke 'em if I've got 'em 'til the end. I might should reconsider my brand, though. Doctors do know best. Doctor Recommended Camels - 1949

Joe's Best Buddy

One calamity after another these past couple of weeks. Gustav killed and destroyed. Ike followed suit. I also must flip the finger at Lowell, even though he was of the Pacific tropical storm variety a-holes and didn't really kill anybody, but because each one of these three stooges hung out in my neighborhood over the last few days pissing on my own house which, in this one room where I am now, leaks like a sieve. I slosh just walking into here. On the heels of one after the other they've come, so I've been rather irritable about all that mess. Mostly just for personal reasons. Then there was the text messaging conductor dude who killed all those train folks, that was sad. Also, although it means shit to anyone else really, every damn day for the last many we've chalked up another murder here in my home city. Some have been like double days, I think we're setting some sort of record around here. And then, of course, there continues the Sarah Palin disaster, too. It...

Lesbian Wisdom

"The best thing you've ever done for me is to help me take my life less seriously. It's only life, after all. There's more than one answer to these questions, and the less I seek my source for some definitive, the closer I am to fine ." Old song, I know it is, but still fantastic. Lesbians rock! Indigo Girls - Closer to Fine

Vajayjay For Sale - $1 Million OBO

"We live in a capitalist society. Why shouldn't I be allowed to capitalize on my virginity?" That is psuedonymed Natalie Dylan's defense to justify auctioning off herself for some dude to pop her cherry. She has student loans and such to pay off apparently, and wants also to pay to further her education. Clearly one to think outside the box ... or, well, maybe in this case that's not so much the fitting phrase, mostly inside is where she's going with that. But still admittedly an entrepreneurial way of thought she has. Whether intact or not, she's still just a whore. And honestly, most likely a liar, too. If she hasn't been laid yet after twenty-two years, she's probably not even worth pocket change for a blow job, much less the one million dollars she's wishing for a full-on plowing. eBay apparently disallows hymen peddling, so she's instead (more appropriately, really) moved on to Plan B and has put herself up for sale at the world-famou...


Lumpy and his douche bag sidekick paid a visit to my fair city today, held a straight talk rally at one local old folks' home retirement community. John McCain and Sarah Palin kickin' it KC-style! Indeed to be expected much hubbub for the event, Palin being the neocon's new rockstar diva and such. (Not to be confused with celebrity status, of course, that would be frowned upon by the Republicans and a title particular to our next president Mister O, they've made that crystal clear. I'm too stupid to get whatever the distinction, I guess, but, yeah, just wanted to fair.) Anyway ... Jesus H. Christ on a crutch if I don't live amongst some really stupid assed folks around here. From our local news this evening, I watched them interview this one guy about how last night at 10:30 in an apparently spontaneous Palin frenzy he and the wife decided to wake up the kids and gather the sleeping bags to drive on over and spend a family night in the minivan, so to ensure the...

Burning Love

I must be getting old or something, apparently not so up to date on the latest pop music scene as I used to be. I've lost my taste for bubble gum over the past few years, I know. But anyway, I guess there's this latest flash in the pan one-hit-wonder-to-be Katy Perry whose single I Kissed a Girl made it to número uno around the world (except in France where it made it only so far as dieciséis.) Church folk are far more hip to the pop scene than myself, it seems, at least the congregation at the Havens Corners Church in Blacklick, Ohio. They're surely attuned to what today's youngsters are listening in to, with this girl on girl making out soundtrack. So what better way to reach these kids and save them from eternal damnation than to amend the church yard sign to read with the lyrics from the seemingly popular iPod-worthy song, “ I kissed a girl and I liked it ,” followed up with their own inspired addendum co-written presumably with God Himself, “ Then I went to hell...

McCain B-, Palin C, Kokesh A+, and I'd Do Todd

John McCain did pretty well tonight, I suppose. Pretty much as well as was or could have been expected being so teleprompter-challenged as someone like himself. But not a bad job overall, really. He gimped his way through that one in okay fashion. Don't understand why Sarah Palin's speech last night, though, seemed to make every Republican within earshot cream in their jeans. Even donning my objectivity hat, I honestly don't think she did so very well. I do think she her husband Todd is hot, though. I might would consider switching political parties just to do him. Or at least to fake a switch for fifteen minutes or so. The gag moments during Palin's speech, though, were mostly those recurrent camera shots of Cindy McCain in the bleachers amidst the Palin clan holding and practically breastfeeding that retarded Trig baby. Was that supposed to be some sort of photo op moment, her all caring and motherly and stuff? I personally found it disturbing. For awhile there I act...

Downer Post, Like I Care

Okay, one of those days is all. Have I mentioned my bipolarity ? Well, this happened to be one of the more so depressive rather than the manic of days. But, hey. Tomorrow's a new one, if it comes. This was the mental soundtrack played in my head all of today. It's what happens when I foresake self-medicating, lesson learned. "I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known. Don't know where it goes, but it's only me and I walk alone. "I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams where the city sleeps, and I'm the only one and I walk alone. "My shadow's the only one that walks beside me. My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating. Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me. 'Til then I walk alone. "I'm walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind, on the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone. "Read between the lines what's fucked up and everything's alright. ...

McCain As Hero

One question. Why again exactly is John McCain a war hero? Nothing really political motivating the question, although obviously I'm no fan of McCain, but I never have understood why the hero spin. Even the Democrats always give him hero props. I don't get it. And for someone who used to claim not wanting to make an issue of the whole POW thing, it certainly seems to be a key harping point lately in both McCain's campaign as well as now at the Republican National Convention. I find that extremely annoying. Being shot down isn't really so heroic. Even being locked up while the gooks (his own word, not mine) beat the crap out of him for five-plus years hardly seems a qualification for the title. Both unfortunate events, to be sure, but it's not like he's ever saved the day or anything like what is mostly expected of any other Superman worthy of his cape. More so a war victim than a hero in my opinion. Much like those villagers he happened to be bombing to bits when...

Really Random Thoughts About Today

NOLA dodged the Gustav bullet, I guess. Of course, the day of Katrina they said the same thing. Not until the day after did the soup bowl break and the deluge rushed in. It's still iffy there, I reckon. Lots of walls leaking excessively now and one dirt levee ready to blow "at any minute." Of course, at any minute since I first heard that breaking news story about six hours ago. I don't give a shit that Sarah Palin's kid is knocked up or even how far along the pregnancy. Or anything about any of the Palin ménage really. I just hope for Sarah to completely disappear from the scene in a couple of months anyway. Sarah who? I will say that I don't know what the hell whichever kid's dilemma has to do with her being McCain's VP pick regardless. I wouldn't doubt either that maybe she might actually be Trig's granny, despite her laying claim to Mom. Maybe Bristol is a slut for all I know. But again, I couldn't care less and I don't think it mat...