Setting deadlines doesn't work for me anyway, however far off the end of the next year. A moot point in any event since I invariably chuck up the sponge long before then.
I quit making New Years' resolutions years ago for that very reason, but this year I think I might after all make some, with a dissimilar twist.
Rather than looking to change one thing or another to either go wrong or succeed at before next year's close, my resolution this time around will be more long-term and ongoing.
Not unlike Benjamin Franklin's Thirteen Virtues, pointing out certain of my own attributes that might could use some improvement, I resolve to be more aware of how I represent in the day to day.
Not necessarily to make a concerted effort to change outright, but hoping that by being more conscious of my doingses I will over the course of time modify where change would be called for. No deadlines, no endgame victory or defeat so much as an ongoing cognizance, a character-development thing.
So that's my New Year's resolution, for this year and onward toward however many years I have left. I'll probably never give up smoking, I really don't want to quit ... why promise myself 2010 will be the year when I honestly right off the bat have no intention of keeping that promise?
On the other hand, I wouldn't mind altering some ways I carry on in everyday affairs, especially with regard to contending with shitty situations and mostly stupid people. A work in progress, to be sure, but I think a worthwhile resolution. For 2010, to infinity and beyond. Happy New Years!
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