In particular what gets at me, how smoking around your Mac computer may be hazardous to your warranty.
According to this article from the Consumerist, in at least two different cases Apple has voided the manufacturer's warranty and refused to provide repair service on the computers, because of them having been exposed to cigarette smoke.
Plainly coming into contact with the residue accumulated inside the computer of a smoker is a health risk and a bio-hazard, and on that note in both instances the Apple customers were duly dismissed, denied service despite having time left on a valid warranty.
In one case citing that due to the computer having been used in a house where there was smoking, that voided the warranty and they would not be able to work on the machine due to "health risks of second hand smoke."
In the other, after five days of Apple hanging on to the computer, the customer called, to be informed that the computer could not be worked on because it was contaminated with cigarette smoke which they deemed a "bio-hazard."
Apple is determinedly sticking to its guns, citing nicotine on OSHA's list of hazardous substances that could damage the health of someone exposed to it. A list which by the way also includes sucrose, talc and rubbing alcohol.
You can differ with me, of course, thinking how dumbass this is. Argue your point however much and for whatever reasons why. It's absurd on the face of it to me, but to that point we can agree to disagree.
However, I think no one could deny that Apple's failure to mention that the machine being used in a smoking environment voids the warranty anywhere in its terms of service, is way out of line. But understandable, perhaps, since doing so just might make them appear incredibly stupid.
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