This bearded fundamentalist radical was not unique, nope. Obviously such a fearless, outrageous game plan as he had in mind, well, not so much a one-man show.
But he had no worries around recruiting and calling to arms a strike force of likeminded fed up young men helping carry out his plan. Twenty-some twenty-somethings, each willing to die for his conviction in the name of God and all things holy, martyrdom for rightness.
Their plan laid out, the blitz was set going ... for highest effect ground zero a symbolic target of all things wrong with America. At what quickly turned into a suicide mission, many that day bought the farm.
The US, certainly not to be left looking unprepared fools (despite having dismissed a warning of the plot as too outlandish just the previous August) and being an always-righteous people, held accountable this nefarious revolutionary alongside his cohorts, to maximum penalty. There was a trial held nearby ground zero, justice was duly served, and this agent provocateur was judged to die.
The dude went down with final words affecting that no matter really. At the end of the day it would prove out that, albeit after so much conflict and so much carnage, his left-behind allies would in the final account carry the day; you can wager that.
Lights out, but as predicted a simpatico contingent kept on, stepping up toward an unprecedented clash, the toll hundreds of thousands dead on one side and the other. In the end the credo of this wild and wacky fanatic was borne out, the infidel tenet defeated. No moral to the story, really, other than sometimes the radicals win.
Affecting, isn't it, how that mischievousness cooked up by one guy progressed into such a big deal after all, and how in the end it all turned out, huh? Yep, for a person so much wanting something ended, that
"each willing to die for his conviction in the name of God and all things holy, martyrdom for rightness."
ReplyDeleteI really think it doesn't matter how many troops we send to these countries. The key is changing their way of thinking. But how do you do that? I guess not having troops on their holy land and sending in drones that kill innocent civilians is a start.
Very good.
ReplyDeleteI like how you used John Brown to prove your point, who had a noble idea/ vision, but wrong way of going about it.
Violence-war isn't the answer. Why is it that has never been learned?
We're a stupid race, we've never learned despite past lessons smacking us right upside the head.
ReplyDeleteEach man thinks HIS idea is new, better, THIS TIME wil be different----NOT. But, like babies learning to walk, we must learn over and over, without education man just guesses and repeats past failures. (Hmmm, many educated men do this too.)
ReplyDeleteSorry, got off track---one man, one idea, often moves mountains.