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Peanut Jesus and the Wiseman

By now everyone is no doubt aware of that stupid Russell Wiseman (oxymoronic that, eh?) of Tennessee, Mister Mayor to all proud Arlingtonians, and his Facebook berating of Obama for the scheduling of that bothersome speech in reference to the Afghan troop surge. Certainly intended to come between him and his family's taking in A Charlie Brown Christmas that same night, he's sure of it.

"...try to convince me that wasn't done on purpose," he challenges. Presumably an Islamic contrivance, what with Obama being "our muslim president," in all likelihood bent on throwing a monkey wrench into all the nation's Christian households gathering 'round to mark Linus channeling Luke, advising the true reason for the season.

"Ask the man if he believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he will give you a 10 minute disertation [sic] about it....w...hen the answer should simply be 'yes'...." As an aside, I'm assuming the guy doesn't write up his own memos at the office.

His a rather presumptuous statement, to be sure, but seemingly backing up the notion of the president's intentional media-blocking the evangelics from bringing into their homes the good news of Jesus' birth allah à la Charles Schulz.

I should apparently accept my share of accountability, too. " obama people need to move to a muslim country...oh wait, that's America....pitiful."

America the Pitiful or not, I'm just happy for at least not having to pack again, I recently just moved and that would be a total pain in the ass. Plus I don't make friends easily, and this is the only Muslim country where I already know people.

Wiseman is a bonehead, and an elected bonehead official at that. A goofball of which I had never heard anything at all until he Facebooked his way into the headlines just lately.

Old news by now, I know, but it's just so incredibly absurd. And more than a little bit disconcerting really when someone of his stature goes on unashamedly spewing such drivel.

What might also have been worthy of more than just casual mention (I didn't hear much about this, anyway) is that at another point in his tirade Wiseman further wrote, "you know, our forefathers had it written in the original Constitution that ONLY property owners could vote, if that has [sic] stayed in there, things would be different........"

What that has to do with the time of day or Chuck and the baby Jesus I can only guess at. I'm supposing he must have got carried away with his bigoted tangent and couldn't make himself stop.

Final thoughts. A Charlie Brown Christmas was rescheduled for the next week, the president's Muslim agenda thwarted. Praise the Lord. Most likely, though, it is also available on the DVD and the Blu-ray for the impatient who wished not to take any chances.

And too, anyone "that hath ears to hear" and was unaware of Obama's speech on the docket days in advance, to still have been reckoning on cartoon night would have had to have their head up their ass, though I suppose that might explain a lot.

But what does it matter the Bethlehem nativity after all? To quote Lucy Van Pelt, "We all know that Christmas is a big commercial racket. It's run by a big eastern syndicate, you know."


  1. Bravo, bravo! Wiseman is obviously afflicted with chronic idiocy. But down here, that is the norm.

  2. Chronic idiocy sums it up. Trouble is it's more rampant than this one guy who just happened to get caught, someone who you'd think might be not so ignorant in his position.

  3. Great post, D-Ro. Keith talked about this dimwit last night. This is more outrageous than the pull the plug on granny stuff.

  4. Rain - wish I could have seen Keith. No cable here, kind of miss those guys

  5. D-Ro, ask and you shall receive. Here's the link:

  6. You can often catch good cable news bites on rainlillie's blog---who needs cable when you have Internet? I don't know how you and Doug B survive down there. I'll pary for you. "Dear Lord, save them from your followers."

  7. LOL Diane. Really it's only the loony tune followers to beware, believe it or not not all God's children are bonkers. I'm glad some are, it's enjoyable making fun of them. :-)


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